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Everything posted by jinp6301

  1. jinp6301

    slow forum

  2. How about the ESW9/10? They are pretty warm sounding and dont leak too much EDIT: ahh deepak already mentioned the AT woodies
  3. mmm, do scots eat spam?
  4. i eat spam
  5. get a bra?
  6. Did you hear Ari's vintage RS-1s? and yea, your northstar/SS or mini^3^2 was awesome.
  7. Ahh, so there are other dac/amps that have those features.
  8. grow up.
  9. went to the Ale House which is the big beer bar here for my friend's b-day. Drank, ate pizza, bought drinks for friends and drank some more.
  10. Thanks, fixed
  11. At the NYC meet, I was talking to Aaron and he mentioned the D10 and how much he likes it with the iriver/esw10 and I was wondering if anyone heard it or have any comments about the circuit. It seems like the only portable amp/dac that is battery powered and takes spdif that I know of.
  12. Its Nate's Menace. and on you not making it.
  13. Is the Hertsens DAC gonna get a makeover with the new Sabre chip?
  14. Ahh, ok. Obviously, meet conditions are bad for discerning the quality of high end headphones, but I did hear some things I liked over the ESW9. I dont think I can get past the price at this point. I'll have to see if I can borrow them for a while before I can even think of purchasing them. But right now, I'm pretty satisfied with the ESW9s. They're kickass without being too expensive
  15. No one here has the PS1000 AFAIK, why dont you ask on the other site if you haven't already?
  16. I compared my esw9 and aaron's (immtbiker) esw10 at the nyc meet and I wasnt TOO impressed with the esw10. Yea, it was better, but not by much.
  17. Took the 3.5 hour bus ride back to school. which means that I got 3.5 hours of good listening done
  18. awesome... awesome to the max
  19. Made 701s listenable for me. The 650s were a little too syrupy for me with this amp.
  20. man hopstrech is fucking TALL
  21. happy voltron day!
  22. happy smeggy day!
  23. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/22/sports/ncaabasketball/22binghamton.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=binghamton%20bearcats&st=cse binghamton sucks. seriously
  24. uhh go binghamton
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