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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jinp6301

  1. Congrats Jay!
  2. Yea, so anyone at canjam hear this?
  3. Gah, forgot the m3 was in that price range. The gamma/m3 was my main setup for a little while and while the bass isint strong, its very good and extended.
  4. So you need a $500 dac/amp which has switchable inputs. Gamma Dac Full + mini3/switchbox?
  5. Moar impressions plz!
  6. USB Spotlight Whiplash Audio Locus Design Exclusive!! - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio im so confused
  7. Didn't go to canjam
  8. Got a 4 pack during graduation week and man, was it tasty. The ladies liked it as well
  9. Heh, but I'm korean so we call it jajamyun
  10. listening/watching to Guess I gotta go see them in concert soon
  11. woot woot Ian!
  12. I'll be putting it on as well as a tribute
  13. dollhouse
  14. bah that sucks
  15. Why is that? I need to go see animal collective
  16. jinp6301

    NJ meet

    I'll most likely be there
  17. Happy Brentday!
  18. Again, thank you guys for the birthday wishes! Will do captain!
  19. jinp6301

    Cave Story

    Theres no exe for mac and I finally got to the secret level (with full health )
  20. Thanks guys!
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