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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Elephas, what's more amazing than your collection of headphones is the time it took you to assemble the collection. I believe you and I started this hobby about the same time in nearly 3 years ago. Your passion and drive (and depth of wallet) is amazing and awe-inspiring. I took the journey with you and went as far as the W5000 and AD2000 because you and I seem to share similar aural tastes. One of these days, I'm hoping to secure a K1000. I had a brief listen to smeggy's pair during a meet in spring, and it sounded amazingly smooth, among other things.
  2. I love the ER4P. I tried the E500 briefly when it first came out, and I stuck with the Ety. Does anyone have any experience with recabling the Ety? APureSound offers a cable replacement for the Ety, and I've been thinking about it. If it can maintain the clarity and detail of the stock cable and add some bass quantity and impact, it'd be perfect.
  3. I bought my wife the same red nano. Ever since I lost my 4g iPod almost two years ago, I haven't used one.
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Reks, where do you come up with all the pics? LOL
  6. Mini? from one of our resident DIYers... AMB has outdone himself again.
  7. Will the wood affect the sound, or will the ESW9 sound the same as the ES7?
  8. I concur. As much as I want a K1000 to use with my Beta22, it most certainly ain't 'cause of its looks.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. My DVD arrived yesterday. If anyone wants one, PM me your name and mailing address.
  11. for lunch today, 7-11 Spicy Bite with a diet Sprite... too busy to get something better
  12. nor should headphones that resemble granite kitchen countertops
  13. I'm expecting a copy very soon. I'll let you know once it arrives. Anyone else want one?
  14. I totally agree with elnero's comparison. While I wouldn't mind a little more heft to the ER4 sound, the E500 was way too dark. It reminded me of my HD650/Zu Mobius combo. Now, this doesn't mean that I'd never try the Shure again, but the Ety sound is closer to my liking.
  15. Happy f'ing birthday, Tyll. Is that more to your liking? Unfortunately, this is about as vulgar I can get.
  16. Some members are labeled as MOT. With some people, Tyll for instance, I know what he does and where to buy his products. But for others, pixel pusher for instance, I have no idea why he is labeled a MOT. His profile points to a web site but it's under construction with little info. Can we develop a list of some sort which contains descriptions of the MOT's business? Is this good/bad idea? I look at it as free passive advertising. I realize headcase doesn't have commercial sponsorships but for my part, I make an effort to conduct business with sponsors.
  17. That bCase is fairly popular and it comes up on ebay regularly. $20 shipped sounds good to me. Alternatives are the headphone bag by Goodcans.com. Depending on the size, it'll run you about $21-25 shipped. I have two large ones, and they fit Grados fine. I wish the bag was a little longer as my AD2000 just barely fits. I also have a headphone case by Headroom. I haven't tried it with anything else other than my HF-1. It's rather expensive, but I picked up a used one for $20 or $25.
  18. HD600 is a great value. After I discovered Audio Technica, specifically the W1000, I sold my HD600 and HD650. But I bought another HD600 a couple of months ago. It sounds good with just about anything and can be had for under $200 used. I third the sentiment about the SR225. It was my first hi-fi headphone, touted by many as the sweet spot in the Grado line-up. Looking back now, I think it was one of those Head-Fi FOTM things. I returned it to TTVJ after a couple of weeks. I just couldn't handle the screechy highs. I demo-ed a pair again a few months ago and was reminded why I returned it in the first place. But hey, to each his own.
  19. Thanks for the welcome. I seem to have turned this thread into the welcome thread.
  20. probably an allusion to the uproar about the silk screening coming off of the SR-71 a couple years ago.
  21. grano, did you return the VDA-2? I bought one a couple of months ago along with the VAC-1. Something must be wrong with me, right? I can't tell a difference in sound quality. At one point, I had my Arcam CD73 connected to the VDA-2 via coax and then to my Rockhopper M^3. The M^3 has multiple inputs so I also connected the CD73 directly to the amp. Using input switch on the amp, I A/Bed the two inputs and I had a hard time distinguishing the two. I'll try again this week or next but so far, I'm really disappointed. I expected a very noticeable sound improvement. I guess the DAC in the CD73 is that good? I dunno. Like I said, I'll try again and see what's going on.
  22. Thanks for the warm fuzzy wuzzy welcome, guys. </group hug>
  23. Well, my ass wasn't banned from HF but I thought I announce myself in this thread. I had been lurking for a few days. I found Head-Case as I researched AMB's Beta22. He had a link on his site to some posts on Head-Case regarding the amp. I was very surprised to see some of the names here, namely Reks. I wondered what had happened to him and why he was banned. Glad to see Reks and others doing well. HF has lost many people who gave it character. I'll be quiet now. Don't hurt me. My skin is delicate.
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