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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Indeed! How surprising is it for user with a moon-related handle to notice such detail?
  2. String of broken shit is right. Voltron's amp and now JP's mac. What's going on in Cali lately? Good luck.
  3. Great thread full of techno-babble (after more than 4 years into this hobby, I'm still a newb's newb ) and humor (Smurfs FTW)! At least I learned the reasons for the low-z and high-z jacks on my Meier Corda amp. When I did briefly try the high-z with some of my headphones (I don't remember which ones), I didn't quite like the sound for the reasons recstar mentioned and never used it. But I'm going to experiment a little with my DT990 Manufaktur (600 ohm). Fun stuff! ... What I notice immediately is that the sound out of the high-z sounds more spacious and clear and a little more detailed with better transients. With the low-z output, the vocal was much more upfront by comparison, and the high-z sounds more balanced and natural. I have one question. Is the gain switch on some amps an attempt to address the low/high-Z headphone factor?
  4. Possibly related... when I tried searching for "woo" I got: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : woo It works on the other site... different vbulletin version or forum setting?
  5. Wow, nice </drool> Al, you're a bad influence.
  6. Then what about trying 125%? I know a lot of work was done to improve text readability, and that's the reason Segoe UI typeface was introduced in Vista (newly coded Vista/W7 resources most likely utilize Segoe UI while pre-Vista resources most likely have not been updated with the new typeface). I don't think there has been any US font changes between Vista and W7. The only other thing I can think of is for you to try another display (assuming you're using a desktop).
  7. Hmmm... looks pretty good to me, and I haven't fiddled with anything. Perhaps the default 125% DPI setting may affect things for you? Did you try setting the text size to 100% (Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display)?
  8. I did remember to get a U lock, and it feels like it weighs about half as much as the bike itself. Six miles should be a breeze, but it's not yet . I rode around the neighborhood yesterday night, and this morning, my legs and body are telling me that it's been 30 years since I've ridden a bike. Yeah, I'm pretty lame especially when a few posts up, grawk talks about doing a 5 mile hike.
  9. I went to the bike shop and bought my first bike since elementary school. I'm pumped. I told my wife I'd be back with a bike, whether new or used. I'd been shopping for a used one for a few weeks, but the price of the Dew ($450) was close enough to that of used ones I've been looking at ($200-$300 on craigslist and local shops) that I just went new. Besides, the shop was all out of used hybrids anyway. It was too hard trying to find a used one that I liked and was the proper frame size. I'm 6' 2" and the frame size of the Dew is 62cm. I'll be using the bike for rec riding and exercise, and I hope I can stretch it to commuting to the company bus stop (about 6 miles from my house). I got fenders put on it and had the stock grips replaced with contoured grips. Kona Dew
  10. I didn't know that the ability to remove IE would be in the US release. I thought it was only going to be available in the EU release of W7 where IE will be excluded. Interesting... the option not to load IE may be there but I wonder whether MS agreements with US OEMs will allow them to do so.
  11. socrates63


    Really? It's not Sam-Yang ramen?
  12. I was up until 2:30am working on the DVD slideshow for my younger son's preschool graduation. Another parent came up with the idea of having a slideshow which showed photos of each kid from age 3-5 (3 years of preschool). I used Muvee Reveal. While I love the simplicity and automated nature of the program, that's also what is annoying about it as well (just a little more manual control would be nice). And then I was up at 4:00am (yes, 90 minutes of sleep if you can call it that) and drove to the local YMCA to stand in line outside to register my kids for swimming classes during the summer. Did I say I was standing in line outside at 4:15 in the morning?? Simply crazy stuff. I got there about 4:17am and one other person was already there. A few minutes later, another person showed up, and between 4:30am and 5:00am several dozen people were in queue. I brought two laptops with fully charged batteries to watch videos. My sister-in-law had been registering my kids while she registered hers in the past, so this was my first experience. Conclusion -- there are a lot of crazy parents out there. Registration was set to begin at 7:00am but the staff let us in early around 6:30am and began the process soon there after. I did a quick count and there were 160-180 people in line when we entered the building. I got home from the Y and slept for an hour, and then started burning the slideshow DVDs to take to the preschool graduation. We got there at 11:15am and with the graduation ceremony to the potluck and party at a local gymnastics place, I got home around 3:30pm. I picked up a double mocha espresso on the way home, as I was fairly certain I couldn't make it through the rest of the day without some caffeine. The kids and I hung around the house playing video games, and then we headed out at 5:30pm to have dinner with my parents. I can't believe how much my older boy eats, and he is a slim kid. He is 8.5 years old and he seems to eat about as much as I do if not more (he definitely eats more than me when we go to sushi restaurants). The food budget is going to go through the roof when puberty hits. After dinner, I spent a few minutes planting mole pellets in a couple spots in the backyard. And now, I am putting the kids to bed. I still have a spreadsheet to put together for a church building project. I was hoping to be in bed by 9pm tonight but so much for that idea -- it's already 10pm as I post this message. I spent a few minutes looking up stuff on Maine Coon cats after seeing a thread on it here, so that didn't help matters. Good night.
  13. Thanks, jimmy. I've sent email to the electrician (he's a tenant of mine). If the powervar doesn't work, then I'll use it with my TV so no biggie.
  14. You've lost me jimmy, but I know a good pro, so if the powervar doesn't work, I'll definitely look into it.
  15. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll try the cheaper solution first with the Powervar.
  16. My main PC and audio rig in the home is located in the masters which is above the kitchen. Whenever the garbage disposal is turned on, my Link DAC III goes mad and makes several clicking sounds in rapid succession (mechanical switch on/off, correct?). Other than relocating my equipment to a different room, is there a financially reasonable (under $500) solution? Would something like PS Audio Duet work for me or do I need a full blown active power conditioning?
  17. Definitely 1, 2 and 3, and I'd like to emphasize the "never ever" in #2. I remember when my wife first saw my RSA SR71 a few years ago. She asked, "How much was it?" But before I could answer, she offered "$100?" and I gladly said "Yes, honey." Traded for it? That's a good one. Keeping a secret slush fund and being able to spot opportunities to divert some dollars to the fund are important (e.g., large tax refund, buying/selling house). I intend to skim some money from my tax refund (mailed yesterday according to IRS WMR site) to purchase the HF-2.
  18. Happy birthday, Nate!
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Happy birthdays!!
  23. Hey, Kelvin. Glad you made it over here.
  24. The guy's name isn't Stefan? Then again, James Audio Art doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
  25. Forgive me, Padre, for I have sinned... I did not fully appreciate the Nugget Audio Beta22 and sold it (to another HCer for cost of parts if it means anything) and I long for its aurilicious sounds. I would sell all my amps if I could get it back. In addition, I was floored by the sounds of a Rudi amp at a meet. From this experience, I learned the need to level the volume when comparing amps. Having always listened at moderate volumes with headphones for fear of hearing loss, my near virgin ears screamed in ecstasy when someone cranked the volume to heavenly levels on some Journey tracks. At the beginning of my church membership, I bought a SR-71 and eventually an original Hornet (both sold). I sold the Hornet when I realized the sound of a $100 PINT kicked its ass and did not require 400 hours burn-in, to boot. And as with many brother HCers, I have wanton lust for gear and bling bling. Finally, my only Stax experience was a brief ownership of Stax SR-001 MK2. Alas, the people in Japan must have extraordinarily small heads because the Stax didn't fit my melon, so I sold it.
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