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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Any opinions on the 4? It's also transformer coupled. In terms of features, I like the single case look, and it has a headphone impedance switch.
  2. You need to get a cooler looking mouse than that old Intellimouse. It looks out of place.
  3. A few years ago, I left my iPod and some other gear on the plane. They were all neatly inside a SF Bags Gear Bag, about $700 of gear. I called the airline lost and found within an hour or two of getting off the plane. I was told that nothing was found. Someone cleaning the plane got a nice present that day.
  4. Mine (#84) arrived last week when I was out camping. I only had a chance to plug it in to my GLite for about a minute at work -- just enough time to confirm that it seems to be working fine. The cord is short as many have commented. Is Grado making a matching extension cable? The cable in the HF2 is different than the older pre-"i" models, right?
  5. My condolences to you and your ex.
  6. Yeah, I was guessing that about the analog out. I currently have my PC connected to an Arcam A65+ integrated receiver (my headamp is attached to the tape out), and using an Oppo HDMI switch box (sources are PC and Xbox 360 Elite). The display is a Dell UltraSharp 2408WFP. I want to add a universal player eventually, so I can watch DVDs without the PC. Riceboy's Exemplar would have been perfect but no dinero (it's a good thing it sold as I was only a day or two away from doing a fiscally irresponsible thing ). I'm leaning towards an Oppo player for double duty since the analog playout is highly touted.
  7. Looking at the spec sheet on Denon's site, the AVR-790 does not have Dolby Headphone. I enjoy watching movies with WinDVD using Dolby Headphone. The question I have is how do I get such simulated surround experience using headphones if I move away from my PC (WinDVD) as the source? Can I connect a headamp to the analog outs of a receiver that has Dolby Headphone and get it that way? Excuse the ignorance as I have never dabbled in home theater.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Happy birthday, Marshall!
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. It sure didn't take much to get you there . You must have had other run-in's with him. Next time, be considerate and provide the thread link. It is not nice to arouse people's curiosity and make them work to scratch the itch </tongue in cheeck>. I had to go to his profile in order to look up his posts to find the thread (13 posts per day... talk about the noise ratio). Greatest ability to sound life-like with the proper equipment, 701 or 650?
  13. I clocked in at the office around 11:30 am (worked from home in the morning) and left a couple of hours later to go see a movie (Star Trek) and ship a portable amp (Pint) to Iowa.
  14. Nice! How could WinXP compat mode not be available in Home? That's totally stupid. And one thing to remember for those in the EU... your box won't contain IE8 regardless of which edition you buy. This only applies to retail boxes since OEMs may choose to install IE8.
  15. socrates63


    Anyone want a iPod LOD from DealExtreme for 5.46 shipped?
  16. I'm guessing that the differences are very similar to the differences between the various Vista editions. Here's the MS link that shows the differences in Vista. Both Home and Ultimate monikers are maintained in the W7 release, and W7 Professional is equivalent to Vista Business. Unless you're running domain based home network or needing remote accessibility to network PCs, the Home edition is probably the best choice.
  17. Happy 26th birthday! Keep the innovative products coming. I'm definitely in for a Pico Slim.
  18. socrates63


    Is thrice a customer? If not, he should be. I am a little disappointed though. Thrice isn't as unique as I had once thought. There seems to be a lot of Rockhopper penguin lovers who also like orange.
  19. Two things I love about W7... first, yes, I agree about the taskbar and second, the speed at which my notepad connects to known networks. It seems almost instantaneous as I take my notebook from home network to corporate wireless -- much faster than Vista and more reliable connections.
  20. I called Todd this afternoon, and I'll be in the second batch. I ordered May 15 after 8pm (Pacific). I was fairly certain I wasn't going to be a part of the first batch based on the order numbers people posted.
  21. This is certainly a new twist to the typical HW welcome... I don't recall user names being critiqued before. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will post the appropriate links. SE102 suck donkey gonads... I didn't like them at all. My lossless rips sounded like FM radio -- flat and muddy. For the price, I think there are much better alternatives. I'd rather pick up something like the Sennheiser CX300 instead (under $30).
  22. My co-worker just told me about his passing. This is very sad. Say what you will, but his musical talents and stage presence were incredible. I'm playing History in my office right now.
  23. Rockhopper M^3 and Channel Island Audio VHP-2 are two solid state amps I currently own which have a gain switch. The most obvious effect of the gain switch was on the volume. I perceived some differences in the sonic character of the sound, but they weren't too noticeable (or maybe I just imaged a difference because I expected it ... I'm not too sure). However, with my Corda amp, there definitely were noticeable changes to the sound when using low-z- and high-z outputs.
  24. Icarium, which Meier amps have you tried? I have a Porta Corda MkII which I liked a lot with the SR60, and the Corda HA-2 Mk II SE sounds particularly good with Beyer cans. Unspectacular, perhaps, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it? Thin? That description never came to mind. Granted my Meier amps are the older models before he began outsourcing the manufacturing. Are the Corda amps significantly different from the current Meier amps?
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