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Thelonious Monk

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Everything posted by Thelonious Monk

  1. well duh.
  2. He would've been 80 today. If only those silly German doctors knew he was diabetic... --- Recommended Dolphania: Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch Eric Dolphy - Other Aspects Eric Dolphy - Live at the Five Spot John Coltrane - The Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Charles Mingus - The Great Concert Of Charles Mingus Charles Mingus - Mingus at Antibes Ornette Coleman - Free Jazz Chico Hamilton - Gongs East! Andrew Hill - Point Of Departure The man was a fucking genius.
  3. It's always the good ones that have to die. ...Also, that's a lot of death metal, postjack. Got any Autopsy or Demilich or Necrophobic?
  4. Good work!
  5. I am up to my balls in books. I just checked my dictionary and it said the same thing. My dictionary may very well predate the Constitution, though, the binding corroded to the point that it is now a three volume set. It doesn't help that my Government teacher was retarded... edit: I phrased what I said ("Is it possible for a country to...") wrong, but either way it was just nitpicking. I meant to say that a form of government can be democratic (people have sovereignty) but that a country is either a representative democracy or direct democracy etc.
  6. But they can never take our music away.
  7. Is it possible for a country to be a democracy? I thought democracy meant the right for the people to choose what kind of government they had. We sort of have a dishonest corporate oligarchy that pretends to be a republic.
  8. It's a symbolic gesture. Maybe it's symbolic of our right to assert power over our leaders. Or maybe it's symbolic of one side's hate for the other...
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tom-dantoni/dennis-kucinich-sums-it-u_b_106176.html c-span, only on article 24 right now.
  10. scallops wrapped in bacon with salmon and green beans
  11. Japanese patient's 'tumour' turns out to be 25-year-old towel http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080604/od_afp/healthjapanoffbeat Are the Japanese finally recovering from getting absolutely raped in news weirdness by Josef Fritzl two or so months ago?
  12. Materials for a 12-inch spark Tesla coil. For engineering class extra credit. Read that as "soldering underwear" until I saw the liquid cooling comment.
  13. lol example of good caustic humor. not LOL TMONK IS GAY AND GAY
  14. Why do you attack me every other time I post? What is the point? It's immature. Surely I can't enrage you that much. You're just being a dick for no reason.
  15. y u take internet so seriously.
  16. He killed one of them. Texan guy gets drunk, crosses border, falls asleep at wheel, runs into a fucking bike race. He didn't even get a strike, the guy in white is still up. If it was the other way around, there'd be rioting, I think. They tried to lynch him, too bad the cops got there first. http://tapespace.com/view/Office_Rampage_Second_Angle Second angle of OP attack. I wonder what the fuck set him off?
  17. Kind of arousing.
  18. You think they had a bad day? Mexican bowling.
  19. n_maher, I'd love to live in an area like that. The suburbs are just the worst. --- Today, I took advantage of the freeleech at What.CD. Let's hope my ISP doesn't notice. Oh, right, if anyone on What didn't notice, there's freeleech on all MP3s. I also worked out. My grandma thought I was doing something vile when she walked in on me doing Hindu pushups.
  20. I could spam Jesus images all day. NSFW image
  21. Lots of Debussy. Top-5 favorite composer.
  22. "I'm not a huge fan of The Beatles." "ROFRRFFF YES YOU ARE DUMBASS"
  23. I only buy used classical. There's plenty of good stuff. Just bought a Rzewski disc for $7 and am about to sell it for $100. You can find some pretty valuable stuff shopping used.
  24. what? i got the names huntsman and double gloucester mixed up, that's all. --- now eating: gouda. disappointing. not as "strong-tasting" as i was told it'd be. i don't think i'm a creamy cheese kind of guy.
  25. Sorry, got mixed up. I have much to learn.
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