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Thelonious Monk

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Everything posted by Thelonious Monk

  1. jpak, another realism shooter is Project Reality, an Unreal mod. it kicks just as much ass, and is in a more modern setting. makes me wish i had a good enough computer to play these games now. i am stranded with a Mac, thanks to my Windows computer dying. now the only game i have is True Combat: Elite, a modification to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory... also realistic. yeah, i'm a sucker for realism shooters
  2. i would stick my half-developed penis into Cristina Scabbia any day. a lot of the chicks posted there are... questionable, though.
  3. you guys mean "a used" sorry i just had to point that out lol, it got to me when two people did it in a row :grammar nazi:
  4. basically, people here know what the fuck they are talking about.
  5. i am sorry but you are fucking queer if you buy an isolation booth to listen to your hifi headphone setup in.
  6. snes? pffft. all i need is my nes. mike tyson's punchout is the shit. also, about first person shooters: PLAY RED ORCHESTRA. it's hard and frustrating but pays off later; once you're good at red orchestra you will be god of every other first person shooter. it uses iron sights instead of crosshairs, no ammo counter, no health counter, and it is impossible to survive if you just run out into an open field. i love it. i've been kicking ass at call of duty ever since i started playing. too bad i rarely have enough people for a lan party.
  7. i refrained from giving advice because it's obviously way outta the pricerange where i am familiar with gear; however, i agree with the sentiments to try before you buy. and try a lot. for example, a lot of people agree that the hd650 isn't the best headphone for fast-paced rock music. i love the hd6x0 for classical and stuff like pink floyd but if you like hard rock or metal it's not the best can for the job; listen to a grado headphone, they are pretty well known for their aptitude with rock music. of course there's other headphones that kick ass at rock music, though. if i had $10,000 i wouldn't blow it all at once; i would try every headphone possible within my pricerange, THEN blow it all at once.
  8. god of zillas... lol
  9. i fucking love stuff like faust and can. i'll check out the mp3 as soon as this song is over, thanks for the heads up.
  10. yeah, i don't think i will ever go down the wrong road when it comes to alcohol. i am probably the only person that can see two feet in front of himself after it's all over. i don't like to bring this up on the internet because normally people assume i am trying to gain some sort of "respect" from it; it has probably taken me 10 minutes to write this short message... i guess my only defense is i don't want to be the only jerkoff at the party not having any fun.
  11. more power to ya; i'm just a lazy fuck who can't choose his own music. i need the ability to shuffle songs/albums.
  12. recstar... what the fuck? you forgot the imod. what is the problem with a silent computer with bitperfect output? and a hard disk is probably a better medium than an optical disk. just because it assists you in beating off doesn't invalidate its usefulness in audio. infact that might help when you get bored of the music.
  13. i definitely have a problem with abusive users of drugs and alcohol. i've lost plenty of family members to that. ...however, i am underage and always drink alcohol at parties. i guess that makes me retarded, right?
  14. still haven't found a pen that writes better than my cheap lamy safari..
  15. to me, the enabl process seems to have been objectively proven to work. aside from all the normal audio measurements, i think mr purvine has even done tests with ripple tanks..
  16. ss&d, avast, and adaware are all great and free. nod32 is king though.
  17. sometimes i feel like the only person who doesn't mind tons of treble from headphones like beyers, grados, and akgs.
  18. agreed. coincidentally, these are the three pairs of headphones i own at the moment.
  19. mr atkinson can detect a single picosecond of jitter. it's true, folks.
  20. will there be a video of the panell?i want to see the panell.
  21. indeed. brb.
  22. no. i dont like your jerkoff face, i dont like your jerkoff hair, and i dont like you, jerkoff.
  23. damn. that girl has really done her homework and knows her shit, i don't know of anyone who's even thought about messing with headphone drivers to reduce standing waves. glad to see grados in truly high-end systems. makes me reassure myself that i'm not kidding myself with my grado love.
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