For you guys who might be interested, i got the results in from the lab today of the silver contents of the TWag V1 and V2 cables and have attached a picture of the results, some of you might have seen the green twag thread on head-fi but some V1 cables have been turning green which suggested it had a high copper content so i decided to get it tested which seemed to be a mistake as i've had all sorts of accsations thrown at me since by Lee at Cryo Parts saying i have some hidden agenda and so so but the results have come in today and he has now it seems agreed to replace everyones V1 cables even if they have not turned green so contact whiplash to get yours changed for a new V2 or ask for a refund.
Hope this is of help to some of you and i dont get set on by a pack of hungry wolves again who seemed to be doing a lot of Lee's ass kissing.