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Everything posted by Audiojunkie

  1. Too bad for the previous owners...so long resale value. A horrible Cavalli-like value proposition.
  2. Very good point.
  3. Well, I gotta say, their new headphones don't look as ridiculously ghetto as the once they just released last year.
  4. They have an answer for the K812, the HD800s still smoke 'em.
  5. Only much, much uglier and way, way less comfortable.
  6. If they're bad, then consumers should know about it. Dropping $1500 on crappy headphones really would suck.
  7. Plus the distortion in the bass is really piss poor...almost as bad as the Shure headphones.
  8. Pink = non-ESD generating...but not protective Grey ESD Bags = both non-generating and protective against ESD
  9. File that one under "How to know if your mayor smokes crack".
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ-x2L52IdI
  11. Then you'll need a Studio Eight? Or just buy speakers.
  12. I would bet they've never heard anything better. Is it just me, or does this amp look like a poor man's Woo (and that's not saying much). At least Woo gives you some nice looking gear at less than half the price (the circuitry on the other hand is a different story). Aren't the transformers like some of the most important components on a tube amp?
  13. Don't look now, but the Studio Six is being pushed hard now on HF.
  14. Seemed more like a lunatic's manifesto than a comment on your article.
  15. Maybe he just prefers an amp with lots of plankton?
  16. And down goes the resale value of the LLMK2!
  17. But how could you justify then the price of $16 500?
  18. Wait...what? There goes the resale of my LLMK2. LOL. just kidding. I would never buy the LLMK2.
  19. Good point...FWIW, I don't believe in coincidence.
  20. Well said and completely agreed. I've owned RS1, HF2 and SR225 and while I found them very enjoyable, sub bass roll off was definitely there and Tyll's graphs tend to show as much. My JH13s just go so much deeper.
  21. John or Joe Grado? Every one (John Grado) I've heard (and seen measured) rolls off the sub bass.
  22. I don't know about that...just listen to why so many say they love Grado's with rock and pop....and they have nothing below 80Hz.
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