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Everything posted by Audiojunkie

  1. Could explain a lot with my pair. We were literally hearing different headphones then.
  2. I've never felt the SR-009s are bright. But if my music or source is bright, they won't hide that either.
  3. I used to own a GS-1 and absolutely loved it! I would miss it more if I didn't already own a GS-X Mk2.
  4. Wow...Jack Bruce...a sad day for rock!
  5. Wait...what?
  6. Thanks!
  7. Just curious what the differences are between the SR007Mk1 (SZ1....) and the SR007A (SZ2-18XX)? Is it worth picking up a pair of the latter?
  8. I personally think the KGSSHV as is, is already brilliant with the SR-009s! Amazing it can only get better!
  9. One very talented and funny lady: Jan Hooks: http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/09/showbiz/comedian-actress-jan-hooks-dies/ Only 57 years old.
  10. Did you happen to notice her avatar?
  11. Ha...I thought the same thing.
  12. You're far more diplomatic that I would have been with this useless moron.
  13. You really don't have a clue do you?
  14. Cool...thanks!
  15. $2k Sony amp?
  16. Happy Birthday Tyll!
  17. No doubt there.
  18. Is it just me, or does anyone find his timing a little too coincidental with the new LAu run just announced?
  19. A bit of a thread resurrection here, but looks like Mr. Plankton is at it again: http://www.head-fi.org/t/650510/the-new-hd800-impressions-thread/12645#post_10775342 What a total nut job/shill!
  20. RIP...what a fantastic ball player! One of the best hitters I've seen.
  21. It most certainly has been. I haven't been this excited about the Jays since well... 1992 and 1993.
  22. ^ I think you'd better quit while you're ahead...sorry I doubt anyone here takes that shill seriously...I know I don't.
  23. But what are these new ones going to sound like? Sorry, but a venier finish for a $1000 headphone? Ah, no thanks. Then I wonder how many will have QC issues (just like pretty much all their stuff)?
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