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Everything posted by cotdt

  1. if the 2A3 already sounds this good i wonder how my Bugle 45 will perform
  2. he told me it's a 300B, the circuit is Thorsten's design as discussed above but with interstage transformers.
  3. Hmm fortunatecity seems to have taken down Thorsten's site. Here is another link to the schematics: http://www.wduk.worldomain.net/forum/showpost.php?s=1e1c7d3f7150cc75839463ccf24fc0cd&p=30393&postcount=225 For the 45, I would adjust the B+ voltage to 325V and the cathode resistor the 1.5k. Or you can build the 300B version and hear what a properly driven 300B sounds like.
  4. someone gotta post this on head-fi!
  5. Art claims that he is a psychology professor and I've been told by my sources that he is purposefully trying to elicit a response from me and Earl as part of a psychology experiment. If we respond, then we fail the experiment. btw just incredible, now i'm really tempted to respond. all 4 points he makes have already been refuted. does he really want me to respond to his ridiculous posts and reveal his dirty tricks, culminating in his ban on head-fi? i really do not wish to do this, but if his posts continue like this then looks like i will have to strike back and involve a moderator. i'll wait till Earl verfies that the amp works as proof that it was originally defective. it's amazing how bad of a salesman Art is, he doesn't even have a return policy and blames loose nuts on the shipping. When he can't blame things on the shipping anymore he calls his customers malicious liars. Earl lost a lot of money because of Art's defective amps and now all he does is accuse Earl of trying to destroy his "good reputation." I offered to fix and mod Earl's amp (for free, although I did end up getting a volume pot and a pair of tubes out of it), and when I stated the problems with the amp Art started attacking me as well. Supposedly, I am in a conspiracy with Earl in an attempt to destroy Art to set the stage for Singlepower to take over the world.
  6. only $3!? i'm jealous! what do you think about this circuit using the EL84 to drive the 2A3/45/300B: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/xentar/1179/projects/legacy/Legacy300BAmplifier.gif
  7. no, he is aerius's father. when Roam first joined head-fi he was recommending a very expensive 300B design to me, but it was clear i did not have the funds to build such designs. on diyaudio there seems to be a general consensus that the ancient DHTs like 300B are matched or even beaten by the triode-strapped EL84, so i don't know if his claims are really true or not. one day i'll build a DHT-based headphone amp and see, but i do know other tube amp guys who all claim that the EL84 is as good as it gets.
  8. I see... but I don't think he is a doctor. He is much too unstable.
  9. who is Dr. Shill? got any link? the stock Doge has rather average bass in my opinion. only when i used lower gain driver tubes like 5751 and lowered the feedback did i get good bass.
  10. For the record, the harmonic distortion I measured on the Doge 6210 is extremely low for a SET amp at 0.2% and the frequency response is ruler flat throughout the audible range, even with negative feedback disabled. The Doge 6210 circuit may look strange, but the sound is what matters. I'm going to do a shootout against the Woo6 in a couple days. I do have other 12A*7/EL84 circuits on hand that I may try, and probably will given that I acquired some NOS 5751s as singles so using a single driver tube to drive both channels is appealing to me. Look for impressions from myself and Aaron on: Doge 6210 (lightly modded) versus Woo6 (amp shootout) Zapfiltered AD1852 versus Ori AD1852 (both inside a Zhaolu 2.5, DAC shootout) Denon D2000 versus ATH-AD2000 (headphone shootout) and also upcoming impressions on the balanced Beta22.
  11. aerius, i'll build it with what i have on hand: 240V B+, 4k primary SE transformer, should be fine?
  12. i've had a good experience using a big 6V battery powering 6.3V filaments. the background noise was nonexistant.
  13. wow! interesting. i'll see if i can gather the parts to build the amp.
  14. is 37 same as VT-37? those are extremely rare and hard to find. why make a design for tubes that are so hard to obtain?
  15. And don't forget the Quad TKD pot. It's about $200.
  16. ... but go ahead. buy that quad Alps RK50 and tell us how it is like. they are hard to find, but I know headroom stocks them.
  17. this one: carbon pots sound special
  18. there is also the Penny and Giles pot. but some say that the cheap $4 quad Alps carbon pot is the best if you can find one with decent tracking.
  19. i thought forums were a place to offer opinions and debates, but instead it is more like Jerry Springer.
  20. i don't understand it either, but the amp sounds good to me! I've been told the 330k between the anode of the output tube and the anode of the driver tube makes the whole circuit behave in a different way than usual. The driver acts as a current amplifier, while the output tube acts as a current/voltage converter.
  21. Yes, perhaps I should have mentioned that I have not heard the PPA's version of the bass boost, but now we know they are the same. BTW, my above post about the bass boost is incorrect, but I've since found the real reason why the bass boost doesn't sound good and updated the head-fi thread.
  22. you are correct. i do try to make things interesting my giving my opinions and being judgemental, but I do not talk about stuff i know nothing about, which you say. I have heard the M^3 and played with its bass boost, but not heard the PPA's and made no comment about that. The bass boost on the M^3 sounded boomy and muddy to me, and that is my subjective opinion. You know... words like "muddy" are by definition subjective. If it were a factual word, then you can use figures to show that I am wrong. But a person's opinion is not up for debate. My speculation as to why the M^3's bass boost is muddy is because the wrong frequencies are boosted. Personally, I built a Linkwitz Transform circuit boosting around 3dB from 80Hz and under. It gives bass impact without being muddy. The male vocal range begins at around 120Hz and above, so these frequencies need to be untouched. Bass boost is something I've researched on, and yes have discussed with amb in PMs. I don't see how Ti Kan or Mike refuted anything I've said. I don't even see how it's possible to refute a person's personal opinion.
  23. it's not difficult to see his tricks. he "loans" people his amps for the full price, and then doesn't want it back. he even says he is not a member of the trade but just an ordinary consumer like the rest of us, but seems to have sold very many amps to people via PMing anyone that shows some interest in the amps he sells, and I remember seeing him advertise his 20,000 or so tubes. i forget the exact number, but it's on head-fi somewhere. he's been aggressively advertising the amps he sells on head-fi, and reveiwing them. thing is, later i found out how inaccurate his reviews were. i bought some tubes from him, but later on after price-matching I found that I've been ripped off. This was back when I was still new to tube amps. His tubes were also very microphonic and hummed. The tubes he recommended for the Doge amp were average at best, and nowhere near as good as NOS tubes that I later tried. don't get me wrong, the Doge 6210 is my favorite amp, but not for the reasons Mr. Wells states. BTW, I don't think he's a doctor. Mr. Wells kept sending me unsolicited PMs, telling me how I don't understand soundstage, how I listened to music too loud and damaged my hearing (huh?), how I don't listen attentively to inner details, and all this stuff about how my listening habits were bad, even though he has never met me in person. This was all in reaction to a post about how my speakers can do certain things well that no headphone I've heard has acheived. Apparently he disagrees with this.
  24. aha excellent! i'm loving this forum more and more!
  25. Welly Wu seems okay to me. drarthurwells is definately the worst IMHO. After this bizzare incident, I sincerely hope he does not become a member of this forum, or we will soon have another head-fi on our hands.
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