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Everything posted by Chekhonte

  1. You're probably right. I don't mind people asking for recommendations, it's just that some people here think that the other place is better for that kind of thing.
  2. if you didn't like the se530s then I don't think you're going to find an IEM that you'll like. You aren't going to find a single armature phone that will give you both treble and bass. You might want to conciser a closed can but I don't have any experience with them. Also, you might want to think about reading that welcome PM before grawk sees this topic.
  3. I didn't like victoria much but vancouver is one of the best cities I've ever been to. I'd love to live there if I had a marketable job skill that would let me get a canadian visa.
  4. I think part of the charm of grado is that it's a family company still. I would be surprised if they would sell the company to a corporation but who knows. My guess would be that they're updating their line because it's cheep to do and the headphone market is expanding with lots of new gear, changing things up keeps people talking about grado headphones. I bet their worried that they'll be buried by an avalanche of other company's gear.
  5. I just recently finished the collected works of Jorge Borges and am so blown away by his work that I can't summon the words to describe how much I enjoyed the stories contained in that volume. Anybody that has a love for high fiction would do themselves a great service to pick up Borges fictions.
  6. this is about the best picture I've ever seen.
  7. yeah, I even worked at a pizzeria for 6 years and that sounds good.
  8. Chekhonte


    wow, that's hardcore. do you use an electric crossover? I don't know much on the subject, can you point me in the right direction?
  9. Chekhonte


    would the 18ga be suitable for a single strand magnaplanar speaker wire?
  10. so, how was the rest of your bday?
  11. you're not obese though vicky.
  12. I agree with you addict. I also am a fan of budget gear and I icon delivers well for the price. I personally don't find it bright with my ipod but i have some hearing loss in the upper registry.
  13. Ha, a friend of mine just ordered them for me as a late b-day present so I guess I'll find out if I like them. If they're too sr-80 for my taste then I'll sell them cheep here so others can take a gander.
  14. yeah, you're not going to find a lot of people that "get" our hobby. It took me about 3 years to tune my ear to higher end gear and I still can't hear what a lot of the stuff that truly great gear can offer such as superior transience bass extension on some cans. My aural memory also is pretty week but improving the more I listen. This is a hobby with the goal of improving your listening skills so you can find more ways to waist money you don't have. Don't expect your tardo friends to get it.
  15. I wondering if anybody has heard the MS1i. The original ms1 was pretty good, any improvement may make it the best 100 dollar headphone available.
  16. I guess you just don't post as many inane posts as you used to, which are my favorite.
  17. yeah! Happy birthday dude! Where the hell have you been?
  18. That's funny. A friend of mine that worked with the rolling stones on a film set said that steven tyler looks like a drag queen. She is right.
  19. yeah, happy birthday dawg.
  20. oh, you guys still think that was an accident?
  21. EDIT: by the way, my pee sink thread was lock, which surprised me.
  22. Ha, I'm glad your found it funny, I was a little worried that I had gone too far.
  23. I actually have a 50's model integrated tube guitar amp. it was my father's from when he was a kind in a country band. It's currently in Illinois right now but I'll bring it back on my next visit home.
  24. sure, i'll just get into another bike accident to raise the money.
  25. thanks for the advice, coincidentally I personally know a luthier from when I played the cello many years ago. I haven't talked to her in about a half a year but I'm sure that I can invite her to an innocent dinner and ambush her with the guitar. Insuring it is also a great idea. I should do that, and get a proper hard shell case.
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