Yeah Foucault is a pain I'd put Kant and his monads on that list if it included philosophy. I am in complete agreement with you with Tolkien. I've never been able to enjoy reading his fiction.
I've had it happen to me too. If you're using windows try reinstalling the OS every couple of weeks. That gets rid of at least a couple of the bugs I run into.
I love to read and don't mind a challenge but I started reading Proust again and I think he is the most difficult author to read. His sentences are insanely long, often times taking up a long paragraph's worth of space. He also writes with an iron fist. If you're mind wanders for even a bit you'll often times be lost. This is a striking difference between his work and let's say Ulysses where your mind can drift as often as the protagonist's and be on the same page.
What author or authors give you trouble?
One thing I forgot to mention about the xpal for those who have them. You can use an ipod wallwart with a normal USB cable or USB "B" phone charger to charge your xpal. It charges marginally faster than charging via USB with your computer. Another reason to by a baker's dozen of those iPod chargers for 5 bucks.
EDIT: They also work well with portable amps that can charge via USB like my icon mobile. I just keep an xpal plugged into mine if I have an extra long day ahead of me.
I use my xpal all the time since I regularly forget to charge my phone, ipod, among other doodads. I bought 3 and they all work well. It takes a long time to actually charge the battery, around 6 hours I would guess. That's my only complaint.
thanks for the spelling correction and I think I have a good idea of what it is now. So let my try to rephrase it. A driver has to constantly has to change the frequency that it vibrates and a driver with good transients is capable of quickly change between frequencies to more accurately represent the signal flowing through it.
...when used in the context of speakers of headphones? I read it a number of times but am not sure if I understand it through the context in which I read it.
EDIT: I just noticed my nickname, but I'm wondering how you found out?!?!