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Everything posted by Chekhonte

  1. I haven't beat it yet, I haven't had a chance to play since my last post. If it's about the same length as the first then it'll be fine with me. The quality is still pretty high and the fighting is intense. I really like pushing through waves of enemies while trying to take cover most of the time in vain. So far there hasen't been anything close to anything as awesome as the sniper level but I'm probably only 1/3 to 1/4 through it.
  2. Chekhonte

    Battlestar Galactica

    holy F this show is good. I started watching it about a month ago and it's become one of my favorite shows of all time. I've always admired how the greek/roman gods represented the most wretched and the most glorious parts of ourselves. To see them portrayed as robots of our design manipulating us while we are adrift in a spaceship is wonderfully existential and right up my ally. I was so resistant to watching it thinking that it would suck but man was I wrong. I did the same thing with buffy, I gotta learn not to do that.
  3. I stayed up late and played about 2 or 3 hours of modern warfare last night. The single player is silly over the top and fun if you suspend your disbelief. The multiplayer feels pretty much the same which could be a good or bad thing depending on how much of its predecessor you played and got sick of. I played it out and haven't touched it in about a year. Getting back my skills are week and I get my sigmoid handed to me.
  4. Ha! You're absolutely right. I'm so glad that I had a vasectomy--if I threw a kid on this dog pile I'd lose my mind.
  5. I'm in the same boat as the two of you. I have little time to play games due to responsibilities of work, school and the old GF. I've never had this much of a work load in my life and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
  6. So this game is coming out in a few days and I'm pretty sure that more than a few of us will be getting this game. What system will you guys be buying it for. I'll probably pick it up for whatever system seems to be the majority here and we can make a clan or something.
  7. Chekhonte


    I'm actually tempted to get this. I have work and school 7 days a week at about the same times every day and I often don't know what day of the week it is with few weekly milestones to go by.
  8. Man, I wish the northwest had in n out burger.
  9. my ire was fully roused.
  10. My girlfriends have likened it more to a tootsie pop.
  11. I really don't think you guys understand the gravity of the situation, it was king sized.
  12. I've been spending the past 3 years struggling with my limitations to create observably perfect forms in hand built ceramic sculptures. It's been driving me mad this past month. On a more existential note I got stoned last week and bought a snickers bar, when I opened it there was some sort of larva in it. It put everything in my life in question how could there be a god that let this type of thing happen.
  13. well I suppose that this thread is done.
  14. Chekhonte


    shit, I've been looking for an external battery for my lap top but it looks like I"m a day late and a dollar short.
  15. For some reason I've been asking myself this question over the past couple of weeks and have enjoyed thinking about it. I'll preface this by acknowledging that it's an impossible question to answer and I don't expect anything resembling a conclusion to be made. I only intend to spark debate--hopefully. I whittled down my list to Chekhov, Beckett, Borges, Cervantes and Kafka. I finally settled on Chekhov for his ability to shape his stories on simply how we think in contrast to how we behave and ultimately how we feel about it. He distilled the human condition into it's most basic and most recognizable state seemingly without artifice. I haven't learned more about people and myself from any other author and in life really what else is there but our relationships with people?
  16. I've had that problem with all the phone's I've had, the sidekick is the worst of them all. I'm resistant to getting an iPhone due to it's expensive plans with the data and texting services.
  17. This is probably the best game I've played on the PS3 so far. It's challenging and very rewarding to play. It feels like the old kings field games on the ps1 but way more polished and refined. As a warning I'll tell you that it's very hard and you'll die a lot. If you're easily frustrated by games like ninja gaiden on the xbox then you'll probably throw your controller a couple of times.
  18. I've been seriously considering getting my MFA and that really fucking cracked me up.
  19. I can't even tell exactly what's going on in that picture. It looks like the cat is in the process of being birthed by a giant tribble.
  20. there's nothing cuter than a dog and a cat getting along. It almost seems to be a naturally occurring parable of some sort.
  21. now that his foot isn't oozing puss he's getting a lot more mellow with the pill thing. After he swallows the pill he'll lay in my lap and let me pet him and he purrs.
  22. my poor angel has a terrible foot infection. It looks like he was attacked by an animal-- probably a raccoon. He disappeared for 6 days and showed up with a food that was swooned to about 3 times it's normal size. I took him to the vet to get a rabies shot and antibiotics. I have to hold a hot compress to his foot a few times a day and force a pill down his throat. I've become his worst enemy in his opinion, I hate being the villain, it makes me glad that I don't have any children as I'm actually depressed by my cat hating my guts.
  23. I see your point too. I guess that it comes down to the fact that I used to behave badly and treated people terribly and have more empathy for people have also been dicks and have gumption to own up to it.
  24. I'm sure that ethics come into play but but how you handle it shows your mettle. Take how clinton handled scandle vs how letterman did. He comes off looking much better than clinton.
  25. I always like it when people unashamedly admit to things like this. Granted it would have got out and he would have had to address it at some point-it's still nice to see people do it.
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