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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Chekhonte

  1. Chekhonte


    I need to start applying that logic.
  2. I'm mailing a used ceramic dildo to the both of yous.
  3. I have a neuforce icon mobile and the mini-mini cable i have doesn't like to stay in the socket while in my pocket. Have any of you overcome this problem? What solution did you reach? I just about at the point of using electrical tape.
  4. Yes, that's what we do with the animals we clean.
  5. I have a job thank you very much. I clean oil off of small animals that have been slighted by the man. I get paid in tofu.
  6. The beta version is better.
  7. You guys have gear that's too good. We need to implement a social program for members of lesser means. Just because I don't have money is it fair that I can't have amazing gear? No, it isn't. I'll be accepting any and all turntables and hd800's. Thank you.
  8. I picked up an 80gb zune off of walmart.com for 99 bucks. Not bad but not that great either. I just didn't want to spend 250 on another ipod that I'll break in under a year.
  9. Why can't there be a goddamn MFin' 32gb micro sd card already?
  10. You're in big trouble mister!
  11. That is amazingly funny. I love when somebody takes a loony idea and just goes sick with it. Screwball humor when it's done well is still my favorite.
  12. As the token native american on this forum I take great umbrage at your celebrating this holliday. I expect you all to mail your turkeys to my palpal verified address and I'll dispose of them properly.
  13. Chekhonte


    Wow, that's an insane watch. I'd get one if I didn't have other things to spend what little money I have on. Edit: i mean the man's watch not the nixon.
  14. This isn't the best player on the market, it just the best player I've heard out of the box. If you're wanting a great portable rig with an amp or DAC then I'm sure there are better options out there. If you just want a small player with pretty good audio quality straight out the jack then this is for you. Plus it can be had for under 40 bucks if you can find one on sale. On a slightly ironic note this player sound horrible with cheep headphones. I've tried some apple earbuds, jvc marshmallows, the headphones that the player came with and some other no name crappy stock cans and they all sound way worse then out of lets say an ipod. The bass is boomy, vocals are muffled, it's bazaar--they sound really good with my MS1i's, hd650's, k701 and sr325's. They definitely sound best with forward sounding headphones like the alessandro/grados and k701's since they kind of push back their forward signature.
  15. I know that rockbox is being made for this and they have it up and running on the old one. I wonder if you can they can make the USB port a digital out with rockbox.
  16. I didn't like the multiplayer at first because there were so many campers it was crazy. Now that people have started learning the maps and playing more tactically it's a lot more fun. It feels a little like an expansion to me but the multiplayer community makes it worth it. They have also improved the "challenges" too so gaining EXP is a little more rewarding. One of the things that I didn't really like was that if you had a favorite gun you'd go through the challenges rather quickly. This game has further challenges with each weapon so you can use it longer and still rack up challenge exp. It was a little nice that if you wanted extra exp in the first game then you'd have to use different weapons. There were a lot of mediocre weapons in the first game though and it was a drag at times.
  17. It's hard for me to pick but I think this one takes the cake.
  18. One stupid thing I keep running across pretty frequently is that the volume is located on the opposite side as the micro sd slot. When I grip the player on both sides to adjust the volume I often times make the micro SD car loose contact with the pins and it thinks I took the card out and put it back in so it has to "refresh library" and it forgets what I was listening to. This only happens to me every other day and I'm sure I'll figure out how not to do that but it's still anoying. @irondreamer, I can't notice any difference in presentation with my ms1's but I'll tell you that I'm not a true audiophile. I can't identify which is an ipod and which is a zune using the same headphones. I can tell there is a difference but I don't know which is which when I'm placed in a blind AB. I'll do another quick AB with my old clip and make sure that I'm not hearing anything different.
  19. I broke my ipod and didn't want to spend another 250 for a player that I'll probably break again in under a year. I decided to pick up a sansa clip+ from best buy since it was on sale for 40 bucks. I had a 8gb micro sd card sitting around that I could use on it to expand the storage to 12 GB. One of the best features of this player is that it's the only MP3 player that has an expansion slot that integrates both the internal library and the library on the expansion card into one library, or at least the only player that I"m aware of. The audio quality is the same as my old original sansa clip which is the best that I've heard in a contemporary portable. It has an incredible, rich midrange that makes music sound fun and has an illusion of depth. It's not an audiophile device but what player is? The high end recedes into the background and doesn't have the sparkle that a home rig can have. the low side of the low end spectrum is rolled off but the bass does have a nice punch that my old ipod couldn't compete with, even when amped. I think I'm going to get a couple of 16 gb cards and just make this my main player. I haven't been this impressed with a portable device since my old zen xtra. I highly recommend it for somebody looking for a mid capacity portable.
  20. Good god that's in brutal. The picture makes me amazed that he's not doing to badly. I thought I was going to die just thinking about how that must feel.
  21. Here's a candid shot of a cat that I sometimes cat watch.
  22. wow that face punch video was really well edited.
  23. Chekhonte

    Battlestar Galactica

    I'm starting to feel the same way. I'm in the middle of the third season and I'm not too sure about the direction this show is going. That doesn't mean the the first season wasn't just amazing though.
  24. I'm the person that has conversations with themselves and learns something. I don't do it out loud but I probably have about 10 to 20 conversations with myself a day depending on how much time I have to focus.
  25. Chekhonte

    Battlestar Galactica

    I had to google it, I didn't know it existed. Should I finish the series before I watch it?
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