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Everything posted by Chekhonte

  1. Its now winter break for me and I have keys to the ceramics studio and am trying to think of some stuff to do. I was reading that RSA amp thread and noticed that ray was using a ceramic headphone stand and thought some people here might like for me to make them one. I wouldn't charge anything but shipping as they would be pretty cheap to make. This would be for established head-casers in the US only. Sorry to leave you canadians and europeans out in the cold but ceramics are heavy and shipping would be probably more than it's worth.
  2. I'm starting to discover this too. A decent part of my music collection is 60's rock or early 20 era jazz and man do these headphones reveal the recording technology. The only headphones I've owned that sucked this bad with that music were the original black sr325's and that was because of sibilance. I don't find these headphones to be all that sibilant but makes it sound so thin and lifeless it's unlistenable. I'm definitely need another pair of headphones if I'm going to keep these. I wish I would have kept my ms2is now. The k701s make Bartok and Ligeti sound so amazing that I can't get rid of them but man does Billy Holiday sound awful.
  3. Chekhonte


    that really blows that I'm not getting my phones until after the 18th and that's assuming that everything goes well. Oh well. I'm enjoying my k701s enough to pass the evenings for a week or two in bliss.
  4. Chekhonte


    Thanks for your condolences. I'm mostly teasing though. I actually didn't know that it had a mic. Is it the kind of mic for cell phone use? That's exactly what mine says too. What time did you order yours? Mine says 11:51AM (it's in the top part of your order status).
  5. Chekhonte


    My triple fi's still haven't shipped. The satisfaction of impulse buying has been lost forever.
  6. You might want to check out Samuel Beckett's trilogy Moloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable. It deals with similar subject matter but instead of using metaphor he uses artifice in a more modernist and purer form.
  7. The Funniest Facebook Snafus Of All Time (PICTURES) Not bad, a list of facebook snafu's.
  8. I've found that amping out of a portable only reveals how crappy your source is with these headphones.
  9. Now that the fun of getting a new pair of cans is starting to wear off I am beginning to see what some of the gripes are that you guys are talking about. They have such an exceptional headstage and instrument separation that I was dazzled like I was in an episode of trueblood and couldn't see it's shortcomings. This is the first set of headphones that have the neutrality required from a studio monitor and I can see how it can suck the fun out of music that needs a more forward presentation to drive in order for you to be able to "rock the fuck out" to it. I still like them for music that has gone through little or no post production like a well recorded symphony or chamber music, particularly if there is a lot of room ambiance in the recording. I guess I'm still a little beadazzled by the headstage.
  10. We're not getting snow but it's insanely cold for the northwest. It was damn near 0F last night and isn't much warmer this morning. This is why I moved out of fucking Illinois.
  11. I've been thinking about installing some USB power outlets in my house. With devices that USB wall chargers I've had mixed results. Some of my phones will only charge with a wall-wart that came with it for some reason. I'm a little worried that I'll have the same problem with USB outlets. Do any of you early adapter geeks have any experience with these. For those that haven't heard of them here's an example: TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports - TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports
  12. My brother posted this on the wall of his facebook page and it's f-ing amazing. The Tetris God - CollegeHumor video
  13. Wow, I haven't giggled that much in a long time.
  14. Chekhonte


    Great to know. I wish I knew somebody that needed a pair but I have zero friends into this kind of stuff. They all think I'm an idiot for getting into this kind of stuff at my income.
  15. Chekhonte


    Likewise, I could really use a couple.
  16. Chekhonte

    For Smeggy

    UK man builds life-sized Dalek, furthers intergalactic evil -- Engadget in case you haven't seen it already.
  17. Chekhonte


    I currently have around 10 pair of medium and small shure olive tips that I'll try that out on. I think I have so steel spikes that I have stretch them on too. By the way, the old shure e5c's didn't have a little bump on the ear piece that the new ones have and I used to get sleeves stuck in my ear all the time. It's a little nerve wracking to get those stuck in your ear with out any tweezers around. EDIT....and my triple-fi's still haven't shipped.
  18. Chekhonte


  19. Chekhonte


    I can't remember, do shure black olive tips fit on UE gear?
  20. Chekhonte


    That's too bad about the fit. I hope I don't have many problems with them. I have some pretty big ear canals.
  21. Chekhonte


    poo, mine haven't been shipped yet and I payed for next day. They must have a lot of packages to ship, or worse they over sold their supply.
  22. Chekhonte


    Wow, there currently 3 pair of unopened triple-fi 10's over at the other forum. They don't seem to be passing on the savings either.
  23. I have a very high number--in the 28000's. Is there a known difference in sound between the old and new? By the way, that's a lot of fucking headphones they've sold. if their dealer price is around 150 dollars then they've sold almost 5 million dollars in this headphone alone. Not too shabby. EDIT: these are used so I assume that they're already burned in. I have only bought 2 pairs of headphones new. I'm about as cheep as they come.
  24. ug, don't tell me that the hd800 is the k701 on steroids. I want those headphones so badly that it aches already. Now I'm going to have to start selling some of the organs that I haven't already ruined. ...And yeah, the hd800's fell from grace pretty damn fast. Though I wouldn't say they fell as far as most.
  25. yeah, they do, but not for my budget. I'm still a little light in the wallet after my bike accident.
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