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Everything posted by mirumu

  1. That's my experience too. I choose what brand to buy or not to buy based on other factors. I remember when military spec meant that a device could handle temperatures and radiation conditions encountered by space probes. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  2. mirumu


    I think those are points too many governments worldwide miss. I'm not pro-drugs by any means, but moralizing on such matters doesn't really seem any different to me than religious laws of the past or modern copyright/patent law.
  3. In my experience server grade usually means it's capable of 24/7 operation and the warranty supports this. If you read the spec sheets most consumer drives either don't mention this or list lower supported operation times.
  4. I kind of like the Macbook Air but I'm sticking with my Macbook Pro for now even if it is too damn big. 12", with a better graphics chip and I'd be more interested in one (definitely with a solid state drive). I'm hoping to keep my existing computers at least another year. In 2009 I'm thinking to upgrade my G5 to a triple boot (Mac, Linux, Windows) Mac Pro and throw a writable Blu-ray drive in there. These new Pioneer BD-ROM drives are tempting though.
  5. mirumu


    Haha, that was great.
  6. I felt SC2 was the low point of the series so far. The way characters auto-face side stepping opponents at times really turned it into a masher's game. Seemed less of a problem in SC3 although it was still present. To me nothing before or after has quite surpassed SC1 on Dreamcast as of yet.
  7. mirumu


    I don't see just Obama support here, it's probably 50:50 Obama and Hillary. General opinion seems to be that almost anyone would be an improvement over Dubya. At least some of that is because the only time we see him on TV is when he's done something stupid. You don't really see anyone mention his name without following it with a joke of some sort.
  8. mirumu


    Here in New Zealand we have a proportional system with coalition governments, etc. After a few early hiccups from changing from a majority wins system it's not been that bad. It's still mostly a two party system but the 4-5 smaller parties are getting at least some input. Big changes still get through if they have enough support and deservedly don't if support isn't there. The economy is doing well and the country is running surpluses. There are problems too of course, but they are small when compared to past governments in the old style. I admit I wasn't much of a fan of proportional government until I saw the results. I have been keeping up with the American election although it's unfortunately only Fox news broadcasting much of it here. Saw the republican candidate debate yesterday and honestly they all seemed much of the same to me. Except Ron Paul that is. Don't know why they rated him so poorly afterwards, I'm sure if that was a NZ debate they'd have considered he won it by a mile.
  9. Definitely on my "must get" list. Shame each platform only gets one of those characters. Vader on PS3, Yoda on 360. I'll be getting the PS3 version myself.
  10. I always found them really comfortable but maybe it's just me. I have heard some say the arch presses on their head which I could imagine being a problem.
  11. Emitting dark smoke like mount etna you say...
  12. A Stax SR-X Mk3 sounds close to what you're looking for. They're closed and the bass is rolled off, but they have a nice clean midrange and good highs. Not exactly airy but I haven't found many closed headphones that are and they aren't exactly constrained either. The trick would be finding a pair as they're old not exactly common. On top of that they'd need a proper amp with a Stax energizer. Usually if you find some on ebay they'll come with a SRD-6 or SRD-7. Wouldn't break the bank either if you already have an amp to use I paid about US$90 for mine with the energizer although prices are a bit higher these days.
  13. Shame you watched that far. The levels in Portal are meaningless other than to provide background and training. Passing them levels is merely a means to an end for your true goal.
  14. Nice! Love to hear those.
  15. NAS as a concept it's very useful in certain situations. I don't have a dedicated NAS device in the true sense of the term, but use one of my Macs as one and it's available on my network over gigabit and 802.11g. Lets me keep all my files ordered and available to anything I hook into the network and is great for when you just need to backup some data from a laptop or stream audio/video to a media playback device. The only downside for me is that I have to turn on a computer to make it available whereas a dedicated NAS device could use a small enough amount of power to be left on semi-permanently. I really want a NAS device that no company currently makes, and I've been tempted to build it myself. It would have the following features: * A decent ADSL2+ modem * 4 port gigabit switch with 8Gbps fabric plane capability * 802.11n wireless * a 2.5" SATA bay for laptop style hard drives (the "S" in NAS) * Support for scheduled downloading via HTTP, FTP, SFTP and Bittorrent. * LAN access via SMB and Apple's AFP * A USB printer share port * Low power usage
  16. Now there's some deja-vu. Instead I'll take the 2A3 SET monoblocks $275 shipped/paypal'd, including tubes thanks.
  17. Sure but that sort of thing usually isn't standard functionality and Jude doesn't strike me as the coder type. Anything's possible though.
  18. I don't know enough about vBulletin to know how it works but that would sound like an odd filter if it lets you post something and then scans it later rejecting the whole post. A straight word filter would seem less effort and provide more potential amusement. It'd be hilarious if they word filtered "head-case" to "PENIS" or something.
  19. Lost some PMs and most of my profile is gone, but everything else seems right. Quite a bit of back patting going on over there. Good to see it back up though.
  20. I find they're too open for work, I'd be getting complaints every 5 seconds. If I had an office to myself it would be fine but if I had an office to myself I'd obviously be in a super high paying executive job and could afford to have some Stax 4070's with a Blue Hawaii in there. Reks has me interested in trying the HD650 again.
  21. I do use my E500s at work hence my use of an amp. When walking the amp is just too bulky.
  22. Still a few issues it seems. I see they're running CentOS. At work we tend to only run that on demo servers rather than production machines. Seems solid enough though.
  23. Oh wow. Very nice. Only 3wpc needed? I knew there wasn't a lot of power needed but it surprises me 3 watts is enough. Might have to try to obtain a listen from such an amp with my SRD-7 MkII sometime. It's a shame the local dealers never have anything of that calibre in for listening tests.
  24. I believe it stands for Kevin Gilmore Solid state/Tube hybrid. That's what it was originally described as when I first saw it mentioned on Head-fi.
  25. Posts like these suggesting the HD595 and HD650 are similar always make me doubt the HD650. I own the HD595s and it's not that they're bad but they are grainy and it seems to take substantial effort in source and amp matching to make them sound good. When I say good I mean just that and no more. I've yet to hear any system take them beyond merely good. Unamped straight out of a source they sound very mediocre. Certainly if I was listening from the headphone jack on my Macbook Pro I'd be reaching for the SR-80s or some IEMs rather than the HD595s. I think the only reason I still own the HD595s is because selling them requires effort.
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