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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Well as some of you know I have spent the last few months researching my ancestry which is mostly Irish. That is one of the main reasons I haven't been around here much but interestingly enough I discovered some information on what may be an ancestor of one of our fellow Irish HCers. http://vimeo.com/4660027 Slan Agaibh! *I think the link is fixed now*
  2. Not to be argumentive but neither of those are spin class bikes unless your spin class is on a Carnival cruise line. Now this is a spin bike.
  3. From my limited experience the view is much better in the spin class than running through the streets of NY.
  4. I sent you a happy birthday email yesterday, it must have been hacked by Annonymous along the way. Damn!
  5. Happy Birthday Larry. Now behave yourself.....
  6. I only posted that because I admire your tenacity and style. My single track mountain biking days are long gone. Dinny, if you have bad knees don't you think it is risky doing all those 10K runs, especially on asphalt? My surgeon told me years ago that long runs on asphalt accelerates the knee replacement timeframe, in which case you should buy a years worth of DAC purchases in this stock SYK http://www.getaroundknee.com/why-stryker?cid=Google_Stryker-Branded_Stryker-1006&gclid=CMGlp8ze_bUCFag7MgodOyoAFw 'jus sayin'
  7. In case you need a tutorial, click on the bike thread and search for the Brent mountain biking video. "Easy peasy"
  8. Better yet, were those searches billable?
  9. If nothing comes of that you might make an appointment with a good allergist. Have any food allergies? Were you working out in the cold outdoors or in a gym. Cold dry outdoor air can cause EIB.
  10. Already? You just had one last year. Happy Birthday Ryan!
  11. What, no rattlesnakes? You call that a livestock show?
  12. Well make sure you continue that practice when you open your restaurant. We don't need anymore reality TV restaurant shows.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Well I guess it was a good thing that you didn't notice your zipper was down while working the Takeda and well.............
  15. Happy Birthday Nate! Enjoy your week and ignore the bastards out there.
  16. Glad you made it through the brush fire. Perhaps now is a good time to do some creative landscaping and put in a moat.
  17. Jeff, that looks like it would be the rubik's cube of bikes to reassemble once it is broken down. Shelly, years ago when I rode armadillos I found them to be pretty resistant to thorns and broken glass. If small thorns and broken glass are your main threat you might consider this-- http://www.jensonusa.com/!Xp-qM9OC!WbEK6yCgITztA!/Slime-Tire-Liners?utm_source=FRGL&utm_medium=organic&gclid=COiG-8ai2LUCFQLznAodqjsAzQ or http://www.rei.com/product/732611/slime-tire-sealant-16-oz?cm_mmc=cse_froogle-_-pla-_-product-_-732611&mr:referralID=c70234cd-8167-11e2-8751-001b2166c2c0 if you run schrader "regular looking tube stem" tubes or http://www.sunandski.com/Slime_Lite_Presta_Valve_26_inch_Bicycle_Tube_p/7745057583212.htm?gclid=CLe-8J-j2LUCFQ-xnQodxlYAEg for prest valve tubes. that look like the racing tire tubes.
  18. Perhaps ? http://bluecoastrecords.com/artists
  19. Awesome Chris, thanks for sharing..... there is hope for high school sports after all.
  20. Changed my office WIFI label from "Broadband 2" to "FBI Surveillance". There are approximately 25 different companies/LLCs in my building so someone may get a little surprise someday when trying to hook up to their WIFI.
  21. Happy Birthday Naaman!
  22. Check your yellow pages under "plastic or acrylic plastic/fabricators" . I found two manufacturers out here that will make TT dustcovers to any spec and the finished product looks just like original equipment.
  23. Attended a four hour lacrosse lalapaloosa. Great fun, JV and Varsity scrimmages that were encouraging but no beer. High school athletics needs to look at improving their bottom line. No worries though, I am making up for the no beer part right now. Sorry foryour loss Knucks.
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