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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Somehow I dig this-
  2. Cheers and Happy Birthday Doug!
  3. Congrats Bigguy and thanks for saving the innernetz Marc!
  4. Already did that and got a great big "we are sorry". BFD, lot of good that does me. Still haven't received the three emails with credit card authorization form attachment they promised from this morning. Well if I ever lose my mind or become brain dead I am sure I can find a job in hospitality with these folks.
  5. Well this hotel venture is starting off to be a real cluster fuck. I made the reservations on Monday the 25th, two days later my visa card number was stolen, a counterfeit visa card was manufactured and used to purchase gas in the Chicago area, hmmmmm.... This morning I tried for three hours to coordinate with the hotel to pay for the room and incidentals with my Amex card. Three times I requested their credit card authorization form they require, three times they said they emailed it to me and three times there was no email. I finally asked them to fax me the form which they did. I faxed it back to them three times and when my daughter returns to the front desk to check in the clerk informs her that I need to email her my drivers license which is a violation of company policy and privacy laws. Intercontinental Hotel Assholes!
  6. Prayers on the way Larry, get well. Congrats Dusty!
  7. Yeah, what is with that DNS attack today? Getting quotes and info was at times like dialup speeds. Watched the Cyprus stock market tank, even at dialup speeds, to the equivalent of the Mikail trust index. For those who speak greek, can you say "εκραγούν"
  8. Augsburger


    For every day office casual I prefer the fit of my Cole Hahn, when I am forced to wear a suit under extreme duress I wear Bally. Some people have complained that the Bally dress shoe fit is for slightly narrow feet though I have not found that to be the case.
  9. Wow, beautiful picture Justin. Sorry but, I got a bit of a sunburn at lacrosse practice yesterday and drank Reisling in my shorts this afternoon. To clarify,I drank wine while wearing short pants.
  10. Shelly, send it to me and I will give it a nice write up in the impressions thread. No need to thank me, this is the season for sacrifice and all and I am always glad to help a HCer in need.
  11. Hotel is booked, thanks for all the suggestions.
  12. Well you would be the most aero patient in the traction ward. Sweet looking ride though, what brand are the wheels? Is that a 28 or a 34 on that rear cluster? Looks kind of large to me,you live in the flatlands don't you?
  13. Selling a house is one of the worst experiences one can ever have. Good luck Marc.
  14. Augsburger


    Happy Birthday Al, king of cocktails.
  15. Augsburger


    Al's bathtub toy?
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions. I was just looking for best/convenient neighborhoods for the girls to stay and it appears the Magnificent Mile may be it. Thanks for suggesting Rosemont Mike, but it appears it is 29 miles away from downtown Chicago and would not be as convenient as some of the MM hotels. Unfortunately the Fairmont and Swishotel quoted a budget busting $300+ per night so they are out.
  17. The girls will probably take the train in from South Bend so to minimize travel time I was thinking as close to downtown as possible. The budget is around $200 per night so the Fairmont and Swissotel are out but we now have some good options to consider. Thanks to all who posted!
  18. *Note to self* schedule a background check for John and have Navy Seal friends pay him a friendly "courtesy call". I must say you Chicago HCers must lead a very cloistered life. Either that or my statement that none of the girls drink left y'all clueless.
  19. Thanks Doug!
  20. Of all the startups we can consider funding, I can think of no better one than this---- http://drinktanks.com/ Once launched, any interest in a HC goup buy?
  21. Ken, your alarm clock does have a "5" or a "6" on it's dial correct?
  22. I am in need of some hotel assistance with the Chicago area HC crew. My daughter and three of her classmates from Notre Dame plan to spend the Thursday through Saturday of Easter break visiting and sight seeing around Chicago. None of the girls are from the area so they have no clue where to stay that is centrally located to fun activities and reasonably priced. I was thinking somewhere along the Magnificent Mile, Whacker, Loop, Michigan avenue area. Am I searching in the right area or can you suggest something better? None of the girls drink so proximity to bars is a negative, fun restaurants and fun activities are. If you can recommend areas we should focus on when searching for hotels that would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Very glad to see turning around for you. Good luck on your journey and may the sun always shine upon you.
  24. Reminds me of my bachelor party.
  25. Why not sell it on Ebay then buy more booze and audio gear and black watches? Belgium ale talking, ignore anything that offends or irrritates you.
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