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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. We are fine now and thankfully all of our friends no property damage just a lot of burned out brush, most of the drama was from Friday. The firefighters are doing an awesome job containing the fire and with the cooler air and light rain we hopefully have turned the corner. Friday was pretty hairy for a while there, one moment the fire was moving south west which is away from us then suddenly turned inland back towards us. My office has large windows facing north so all day long I am seeing moderately clear weather. Then in the afternoon I am totally engrossed in reading some report and didn't notice that the sky had turned real smoky. I get an email from my son's school saying that they are under a voluntary evacuation. Shit!!!! I pack up the proceed to lock my office up but when I enter the hallway it smells like I am inside someones BBQ smoker. As I am driving west towards my son's school it is getting smokier and smokier and I can no longer see the mountains. Double shit!!!! But it all ends well because I pick up my youngest with no issues, then proceed to pick up my other son and by the time we arrive home the sky is clearing and we can hardly smell any smoke. Great Friday drama!
  2. Well in some neighborhoods out here the temperature ranged from 88 to 451 degrees.
  3. Bat poop smells worse than pigeon poop and maybe even rabbit poop. Actually I did this yesterday. Arranged to have 15 pounds of stabilized exotic wood remnants shipped to a knife craftsman. Damascus steak knife project part two under way. Woot!
  4. Well at least your wore a glove/protection.... On another note, I predict that soon we will see a post about one of these- soon.
  5. And even more impressive when viewed from space. 8,000 acres and growing. If anyone cares, we are the little beige spot at 4 o'clock of the fire.
  6. My condolences Steve, very sorry to hear this and I hope you are holding up.
  7. Beautiful pics Shelly!
  8. Though wine is about 8 miles from the fire it is in a commercial area about two miles from the fire station. Just in case, I plan to drink heavily to save as much wine as I can from the fire.
  9. I have this version, tweaked by Luis and it sounds pretty frickin' awesome. I will be playing it again this weekend and toasting JS.
  10. Now bear with me on this---- http://youtu.be/LuW53xh-gj8 For some reason my kids turned me on to this it seems he is the rage with high school kids around here then there is this- http://youtu.be/Y2a0gGKNB24 A combination of Daler Mehndi, Steven Vai and Joe Satriani. Ok maybe it is all that Reisling I drank today but.....
  11. I think one of my neighbors left their RSA amp on overnight....... Much more impressive when you see it in person.
  12. Raffy, what antibiotic did the Doc prescribe? Strep is going around here too.
  13. Well, I will be in Chicago/IN next Thursday so please have your weather guys get their act together and warm things up a bit for me. Forecast is for low to mid 90s through this weekend.
  14. Heh, he was injured and out by the time they traveled west to play the Trojans. I don't know much more than what you may know, but I guess the Browns medical staff feel his Achilles is healed enough, we shall see in summer training camp. I am definitely expanding the ND wardrobe it seems too, though some of it is ND lacrosse gear. The Irish will have a very strong defense this year soif their attack and middies step it up they may be real contenders for national championship.
  15. As it turns out, we will only have Saturday afternoon and evening for Chicago so I guess Mag. Mile hotel it is. Thanks for all the suggestions and opinions.
  16. I think I will pass on the "fear for your life" experience for now, so Hyde Park is out. When you say downtown do you mean the Loop and South LaSalle area?
  17. Manhattans on deck. Shrimp Mazatlan or steak tartar for appetizers?
  18. Dusty, I think I found it, Re tonights magarita recipe HC group buy forthcoming...... I love the beautiful, beautiful music
  19. I am sure Al's G650 can accomodate eight+ HCers so there is more than enough room for you and your doggy bag of booze.
  20. Al hop on your company GS G650 down to So Cal and I will BBQ some sliders and Cabernet or I will try some Manhattans but I may need to HC crowd source the recipe.
  21. Happy Birthday Ryan! Manny Pacquiao sends his best.............
  22. We saw the Great And Powerful Oz in 3D and it was quite entertaining. Then again i had two very well done Manhattans and short rib sliders during the movie so that helped too. Hope your experience was just as good.
  23. Thanks for the warning Jim. Should i have Beely plan a reception party for us?
  24. thanks Doug, I will Google over to Hyde Park.
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