Thanks for the B-day wishes everyone. Had a great day two days of celebrating with more in store for the coming week and weekend. Kind of like my Mardi Gras birthday celebration.
Picked up the family after their week of community service at a Omaha homeless shelter.
Hit 116 degrees in the valley on the way home so for those of you visiting So Cal next week take note.
Congrats Mike, and best wishes for your son. Steve, let me be the first to welcome you to team Cali BBQ FTW! Your first job will be to build a massive BBQ island then sign up to be the second stop of the MOA tour de Cali. Welcome 'bro!
Ok, since this Snowden thing I have been a little paranoid of the CIA drones flying around this part of LA. Well today I finally spotted one in the distance in act of surveillance.
I always knew the CIA was active out here; caught in the act absolutely no doubt about it!
Just returned from taking Mary, my son and daughter to LAX. They will be gone for one week on a community service project working at a homeless teen shelter in Omaha. This trip should really give the participants something to ponder as they will be meeting and working with teens who have had very different experiences growing up and unfortunately much worse prospects for the future. Last year the group worked on a reservation in New Mexico helping the residents repair their meeting hall and other projects. It is a great thing to see a group of teenagers excited to spend a week of their summer vacation in service to others.
I will be toasting them many times a safe journey and great experience.