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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. I think I will hold out for the cryo version. Why go insane when you can go uber insane?
  2. This- https://soundcloud.com/pdis_inpartmaint/takeshi-nishimoto-lavandula Sorry for your crappy week Shelly, I hope this and a big whiskey soothes the nerves.
  3. That was great! Thanks for sharing Wayne.
  4. And you thought I was kidding when I said "torpedo tube"
  5. Enjoy the torpedo tube tomorrow.
  6. Jacob, time for acupuncture? Worked for me. A new chair and maybe a stiffer mattress too.
  7. I love that Coranado shot. I know that view well from our regular SD boating trips. If you do need surgery which I hope isn't the case, perhaps you can delay the ACL surgery and graft for when you do your surgery rotation; maybe get a twofer?
  8. Wow! The entire collection looks beautiful.
  9. X2! Now that is something I would take out a second mortgage to buy. Electron LUV amps are like Frank Cooter for speaker systems. Well looks and build wise, I am not qualified to comment on design and tube implementation.
  10. Sorry to hear about the allergic reaction and I hope you are on the mend. Just think of the bright side, at least we wont be calling you Cyclops from here on out.
  11. OK, George Duke, RIP. He made such sweet music. http://www.jazzonthetube.com/videos/george-duke/rush-hour.html
  12. http://www.businessinsider.com/best-restaurants-in-san-diego-2013-8#20-the-kebab-shop-1 Some in your price range, some not. http://www.businessinsider.com/coolest-businesses-in-san-diego-2013-9#art-and-libations-1 Funky stuff to see--- That's all I have.
  13. Hi roger---bye roger...............nice first post though
  14. Can we post their name here before they die? I have a few candidates in mind.
  15. Stretch, shame on you. You forgot to include the built in bottle/wine opener in the specs.
  16. You probably will (get a response), but it may not be the one you were expecting.
  17. Have a great one Steve, and thanks for all that you do.
  18. Happy Birthday Wayne!
  19. Looks very similar to what I caught in my garage yesterday. Tri-tip slow cooking on the barbee for 3.3 hours seasoned to mate well with the Epoch Authenticity.
  20. Willing to trade In-N-Out double doubles for gear Justin...............just sayin'
  21. Very nice looking speakers, interesting design. Oh, and cool avatar.
  22. Jeff, I misread your post and thought you said "Chicago". Where are the clouds and rain? Very nice photos for a point and shoot.
  23. Better yet, build a Kevlar wrapped twin engine drone with the GAU-8/A pod and lots of rockets.
  24. Good news Larry, persistence pays.
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