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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Sitting in a gym waiting for the fencing tournament to begin. Gonna be a long day. Unfortunately fencing folk don't understand the concept of tailgating. Perhaps i c an learn um.
  2. Sheesh, I feel like I am in Chicago during election season.....in again so I can beat Colin.
  3. In. I can speak for Colin, he only likes wine, so no need to ship him the beer when he wins.
  4. I think the seriousness of Todd's family situation warrants a repost of my post above and wishing you and your family the best.
  5. /\ /\ /\ /\ This X2.
  6. My finger crossing worked!
  7. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.
  8. Marc, I sent you a very nice email with lots of pretty pictures but I think the NSA intercepted it. Do you think I should change my email password from "password1" to something else? Happy Birthday!
  9. Indeed, but why here? Much like trying to sell Scientology to Al-Qaeda, very likely to get ones ass kicked in the process.
  10. Feel better Antonio. Todd, good luck with whatever happens. A very tough situation lies ahead.
  11. Wait! We are still celebrating over here on the left coast.
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. That must be an omen for something.
  14. I would have been funny though if he had some pepper spray and pepper sprayed the guys peepee.
  15. Move to California, we can fix that.
  16. It didn't catch "insanity, domestic terrorism and odd sexual practices"? Software needs more work. Glad your Mum is OK. The Colonies sends her get well wishes.
  17. Dusty, please check the "Deals" thread. Just kidding. I took a loose interpretation of the you in the thread title.
  18. This just in------ http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/17/21011546-dozens-of-cases-of-worlds-finest-bourbon-stolen-from-kentucky-distillery?lite Lots of Pappy stolen.
  19. Happy Birthday Carl.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday Peter!
  22. Safe journey, and if it hurts when you do something then don't do that. No worries, I will email you my bill for that advice.
  23. Happy Birthday Vicki!
  24. This /\ /\ /\
  25. Congratulations Wonder Woman! ...and Peter and his team and the coach and even Jim.
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