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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday Ken! Just under the wire.
  2. Merry Christmas to all!
  3. Soon they will add "We will gladly take trades and children as collateral".
  4. It sounds like maybe it was set up for home theater with speakers in the ceiling and all in which case it may not be that bad for it's intended purpose. If it can be repaired for cheap then it would be worth keeping for a while.
  5. Todd, very cool of your family to volunteer, it sets a great example for them which they are more likely to accept rather than a lecture. I am always concerned about the So Cal. mindset of "it is all about me" and the influence on our children. As parents we always try to lead by example. Now having said that, Lance my youngest is starting trumpet lessons. So being the good father that I am I have been introducing him to "real musicians" like Miles Davis and this- http://youtu.be/X_x2frivy6w except I forgot that when asked what is the name of that cool song, it is "Love For Sale" . Daddy can be an idiot sometime.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. ... and the reported sales and customer numbers can be made up as well, correct? Agreed, so much hype with delivery far out in the future allows the perpetrators vendors plenty of time to real in all the suckers customers before they default. Maybe they are Keely's related to this guy- http://www.businessinsider.com/john-keelys-perpetual-motion-machine-2013-12 With the preponderance of vendors posting internal shots of their products (even with red nail polish) and these guys being so big on the marketing hype it seems odd that they would pass up an opportunity to hype themselves even more. Hmmmm, maybe they read his playbook?
  8. Since I love McCoy Tyner, Joe Lovano, Bill Frisell, Esperanza Spalding and San Francisco this is a multi win for me. http://youtu.be/ULScfJm-tWE
  9. Augsburger


    It seems that I have most of the tracks but my laptop has been kind of quirky lately. Can I fax them to you?
  10. http://youtu.be/Rhv8iOY08TY
  11. See if you can spot the other plane-- http://www.flickr.com/photos/43024879@N08/11296057694/
  12. Forty five degrees which is warm by your standards but a seemingly endless 40 mph wind. I am sure it gusted a few times to 45+mph which for you guys up north and across the pond would be 72.4kph . At least the wind keeps the coyotes, spiders and snakes away so that is a plus.
  13. Augsburger


    Be careful with Olympus products as I seem to recall that they are in great financial difficulty and will either be acquired or go BK. Either way not good for post purchase customer service I would think.
  14. Steve, you are henceforth to be known as the "Mayberry Home Wrecker". Congrats
  15. Happy Birthday Todd!
  16. No matter how bad your day has been- http://youtu.be/pMWU8dEKwXw IF ONLY FOR A SECOND // Mimi Foundation // UK Fuck Cancer
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Ouch! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a98_1386197785 This is why I don't base jump...or cliff jump for that matter. This aborted crosswind landing is known as a "sphincter tightener" http://youtu.be/pF2wE_Em1F0
  19. Douglas, that is a really beautiful recording, very impressive. Reminds me a lot of the ECM recordings I have and some of the M A Recordings as well. Very nice presence and arrangement, thanks for sharing.
  20. While completing lots and lots of paperwork here in the office-- http://youtu.be/Tn_vyrHNxMQ Greg Osby looks a lot like Jamie Fox, yes?
  21. Good luck Dusty, here's hoping you find that dream job.
  22. Happy Birthday Gene! Keep on keeping on sailing----
  23. This means war!
  24. Getting the house ready for my two nephews "Search and Destroy" who will be staying with us for the next five days while their parents are whooping it up in Long Island. I intend to drink heavily over the next 110 hours.
  25. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Well it certainly helps if your dentist has a smoking hot hygienist as mine did.
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