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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday Colin!
  2. Happy Birthday Steve! This is your birthday week celebration filled with ((hugs)) and cheers.
  3. Well luckily we are having a temporary heat spell so it is BBQ weather.
  4. 2,500 feet without a rope! http://youtu.be/Phl82D57P58
  5. When we would go skiing we would take along a one quart spray bottle filled with a 2:1 solution of isopropyl alcohol and water to de-ice the windshield and headlights. To prevent windshield ice try another one quart spray bottle with a 3:1 mixture of vinegar and water.
  6. Happy Birthday Stephen!
  7. That /\ looks /\ delicious!
  8. Maybe you could serve on the jury for a Justin Bieber trial...so many opportunities.
  9. Larry, sorry for that additional bit of bad luck. Good time to have insomnia I guess and I hope the repair is a minor one.
  10. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ What he said. Happy Birthday Jeff.
  11. Grover Washington Jr.- Aria
  12. Good thing, it would be a bummer to be constantly mistaken for Yakuza! Heal quickly with no visible scars.
  13. Happy Birthday Wes!
  14. Augsburger


    I would of thought HC would be running on a IBM Watson by now with all the crap I purchased through the Amazon link in the last two years. Buying school textbooks through Amazon has saved us a bundle.
  15. Bruno Mars is singing now so this is a good time to check the progress of the pork shoulder. Eight hours in.
  16. A ginormous pork shoulder for the game pulled pork BBQ. Roasting at 190 degrees we are five hours in with four more to go. Just finished a round of carmelized bacon just to get the thirst level up.
  17. You might want to keep a couple of bags of playground sand (from Home Depot) or kitty litter in your trunk. The weight will help with traction and the contents will help if you find yourself stuck far away from biscuits or a liquor store.
  18. PBN Montana Monitors- http://www.pbnaudio.com/speakers/montana-speakers/monitor-m2 I have them foobar>PS Audio Digital Link II (modded)>Ice Amp> PBN Montana Monitors playing in my office and they produce great detail and a ralistic 3D soundstage.
  19. http://youtu.be/VOqWlOrlkIg
  20. Plan on brining an ostrich for this weekends super bowl BBQ?
  21. I thought Texas never got cold. WTF indeed. Sorry for your bad weather.
  22. Happy Birthday Adrian!
  23. Happy Birthday Dom.
  24. Happy Happy Birthday Mike!
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