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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Did my morning ride wearing my Tifosi glasses, I love the optics and fit. I like polarized lenses for the perceived clarity but yeah have never had the need for the anti-glare feature while riding.
  2. Did you BBQ it or boil it for two days like the rest of the folks here?
  3. Happy Birthday Naaman! Wait, I already wished you a HB. Never mind, I am getting forgetful. Oh, welcome home too... and congratulations Dad!
  4. Camelbaks work better in the shower. You don't have to worry about broken glass when you slip and fall down.
  5. I used to think William Shatner was the king of over acting, but today he has been dethroned. I could only last for 42 seconds and since there was no prospect of salacious boobie shots as in the other video, I am done.
  6. Are you taking anything/ Ibuprofen for the inflammation?
  7. Augsburger


    A hundred dollars worth of milk free, gluten free chocolates, and another one of these- The Easter bunny will probably need to be treated for a hernia this year. Forgot to mention that I received a discount on all this stuff /\ /\ /\ so they were sort of deals.
  8. Unfortunately spending time educating your consumers usually does not pass the "will this help me get insanely rich" acid test. My limited observations of marketing and sales in a corporate environment has demonstrated to me that a business makes more money spending less time marketing to uneducated consumers than educated ones. Cynical me.
  9. Thank you! I will buy one of each and start rotating my pens again. I miss the different feel experienced with each pen, those were the good old days.
  10. Well burn in service must be worth something.
  11. Well then I recommend martinis and a IV drip. Problem solved, I will fax you my bill.
  12. I have just noticed that I am out of fountain pen ink. Any recommendations or favorites you all have? I am looking for bottles of ink not cartridges. Thank you for any suggestions.
  13. Augsburger


    A few of you seem to suscribe to the sous vide cooking voodoo so this might be of interest- https://www.massdrop.com/buy/nomiku-sous-vide-machine?mode=guest_open&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Massdrop%20-%20Master&utm_campaign=Product%20Announcement%202014-03-21&utm_content=B
  14. Happy Birthday Al! May you live a long and prosperous life. Salute!
  15. I love all things Amad Jamal- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsXbkTbK2lY&list=AL94UKMTqg-9AIyVIgJpONxqdcnS6G1Fa8&feature=share
  16. Thanks for the tip. I will be sure to dial this one up the next time I drop acid.
  17. Thanks! I change my passwords every quarter using phrases and symbol combinations I can remember. I have been running out of ideas lately and this just opened up a whole new category.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Can't stop listening to this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v35YhhzCrYk&list=AL94UKMTqg-9Df_SVTQxmUli7vQ08peWZR&feature=share&index=4
  20. Anna Kendrick is kinda hot. Well at least in Pitch Perfect, the shower room scene...
  21. Using Chrome Using IE 11.0 I am leaning towards always using IE 11.0 for the 1 MS ping advantage, I just wish the download results went to four decimal places to determine if the IE 11.0 download speed advantage of .05 Mb/s is significant enough over Chrome.
  22. So how many is that for team Calfee, four or five HCers? There is Jeff, Nate, me and...
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