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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. The next one for sure, then we can compare war stories, should be a hoot!
  2. Some of the best Vodka I remember ever having was a Polish vodka in Krakow Poland one night that lasted three days. Then again I was hammered so take that with a grain of salt.
  3. I like the Maui Jim line and they will go well with your face shape and stylish personality. Congrats to the soccer team! Thank goodness at that level the home fans don't riot or burn down anything.
  4. Marc, sorry I am not sure what you mean completely but perhaps this? http://matrix.itasoftware.com/search.htm does not meet all your criteria but is workable.
  5. Wow! How long does it take you to mow that yard in the summer?
  6. Happy Birthday Ryan!
  7. Looks delicious! It is good to have chefs who like you, many benefits.
  8. Wow! Aluminyzed version of that would look awesome! Never mind, he has that option on his website now.
  9. Wishing you the best Steve. Ken, the SB boating trip was a family with kids and no booze Easter outing. You can be sure when there is a adult SB trip you will be getting a ringy dingy.
  10. Was out boating in Santa Barbara and ran into Gene with his latest ride
  11. It will soon be illegal to burn things for warmth in Southern California but for those of you who like to keep warm the old fashion way there is this to help you in your chores- http://e.businessinsider.com/4cd8404f52baf1d8a8caaea25351d9579dbcd4341e00057a/U1FIFcPoHRRpE2SQA6f17
  12. http://youtu.be/KjMDESjuYEE Much like some of my favorite Hubert Laws stuff. What really makes this song is Cornell Dupree's guitar, often overlooked but Cornell is excellent and not given nearly enough attention that he deserves. And now this http://youtu.be/0Rr_6VNF2To juxtaposed with this http://youtu.be/bn5TNqjuHiU . Not what I remember of Janis in the olden days but cool nonetheless.
  13. wow Tyler that is amazing! I always wondered why wires had different colors, and I thought the color dictated the sound coming from the wire.
  14. Happy Birthday Jeffy!
  15. Then it's cash only but that includes a lunch at the Commander's Palace.
  16. Well there is always voodoo. I have family in NOLA if you need a referral. Oh, forgot to mention, they don't take Blue Cross.
  17. The allergic warning is because the flu vaccine is cultivated in egg albumen so if you have a sensitivity to eggs or chickens you may have a reaction. I have an egg allergy so that is why I cannot have the flu shot. Was the skin reaction hives or swelling?
  18. Augsburger


    Thanks for the tip! I bought these for Mary since her new position at the hospital involves a lot of teleconferencing but health care being what it is and the cost of real estate on the west side of LA, everyone is housed in cubicles.
  19. Happy Birthday! Well keep celebrating until you feel you have had enough.
  20. http://youtu.be/zF-1ElS1q0Q I had no idea Hipsters have been around since the late fifties.
  21. Happy Birthday Duggeh!
  22. I will trade you torrential rain for earthquakes.
  23. Happy Birthday Doug!
  24. John, when you say "better" on the input side what do you mean? Bigger step up? Lower noise floor? The ULN-8s can already function as phono pres so what was improved?
  25. Sorry to hear about the earthquake damage, I hope this is the last of it.
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