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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday! Treat yourself to some really good champagne.
  3. I like my beans fresh and my wine old...it keeps the math simple.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Update for our wine tasting adventure on Monday and Tuesday.
  7. Hey Ken, happy birthday my friend!
  8. I used the last of my truffle salt this evening on my pasta. Any recommendations for a reputable truffle shipper or a truffle salt. We are at the end of truffle season so I am guessing truffle salt is my only option. So far Urbani is the lead for truffle salt but I would like to try others. Any recommendations?
  9. Did some wine tasting with the family. One of four.
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. All of the above. I need to try a few more pulls and watch closer with my mirror to assess my progress.
  12. Ok, now that I reduced the grind to 12, the puck crumbles upon whacking the knock box. (Behave here Steve) Prior to changing the grind the puck would pop out as a solid piece. Is that bad or nothing?
  13. If you use a bar of soap, I would highly recommend Irish Spring.
  14. I had my Niche set at 16 so dialing back to 12 the assess the progress. Thanks for the suggestions and responses.
  15. Augsburger


    Damn! Hajime was such a nice guy and very supportive of the audiophile community.
  16. I hope you are not talking about your Flair. My extractions don't take longer than 15 seconds. No way I could hit 40 seconds unless I kept it under 1 bar and my grind is set at fine espresso.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Please post your birthday meal and drinks in whatever country you find yourself at the moment. Oh, and happy birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Happy Birthday.
  21. Happy Birthday! Cheers!
  22. Drank my Viognier and watched three coyotes saunter through my property. I need to post coyote etiquette hours for them to follow so I can enjoy my wine in peace. Cute and creepy all at the same time.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Happy Birthday!
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