*Waiting for a Tice post*
Raffy, you averaged 19 mph, and a average hr of 152 for 62 miles in 88 degree weather? That is impressive.. unless you were going downhill.
Larry, when it is safe to do so check your roof for damage. We had a hail storm in Arizona a few years ago and the hail knocked some holes in the asphalt shingles which would have led to roof leaks had we not caught it in time.
The rest of the pictures are the back of peoples heads as they step in front of me to take their pictures. The main climb in this stage is called the Rock Store climb. These guys are pretty good because they handle the climb a little faster than I can so I give them that.
I guess Al's team destroyed Apple so bad they have gone off the deep end...
At least Apple will not have to worry about anyone trying to steal any of the beats technology.
Happy Birthday Shelly!
Let me explain. the bakery made a typo with your cake so I got it for 75% off and used the money I saved to buy a bottle of this-