Fresh dill on salmon is delicious. Also on homemade/DIY pickled salmon, and mates really well with a Provence Rose' or Sauvignon blanc... while listening to your AKG K812s.
(Didn't want to go off topic)
To be precise, garlic, oregano, sage, cayenne, rosemary (later). I think what you see mostly is the oregano dipped in olive oil. Subtle flavors or the herbs blended well with the four hours of Mesquite smoke.
Not in the Edwood league but excellent when followed by a bottle of Zin or Cab blend.
My brisket BBQ was awesome but I misplaced the camera and the wine tasting took precedent. Almost as good as Eds I am sure but after all that wine ....who knows?
Your measured response is the best response. Some people will always be members of the church of of idiots and there is not much you can do to change that. Boy are they in for a surprise when judgement day comes.