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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday Peter!
  2. Great first period play!
  3. I just had dinner with a former a NY Ranger and a former LA King. He said he was pulling for the Rangers so I made him pay for dinner.
  4. Fresh dill on salmon is delicious. Also on homemade/DIY pickled salmon, and mates really well with a Provence Rose' or Sauvignon blanc... while listening to your AKG K812s. (Didn't want to go off topic)
  5. BBQ ribs slow cooked for four hours three of which with a pot of water in the BBQ. No pictures because the Polaroid is in the shop.
  6. So anyone know who won the overtime....oh, never mind. Kings!
  7. I am pretty sure I had warthog taco when I ate a taco served from a food truck in downtown LA a few years ago. Still had the warts on it too.
  8. I want that BBQ grill/pit thingy. That looks awesome, with or without the sheep. More importantly, what did you drink with that BBQ?
  9. That's easy, we like the teams that are winning. Any other questions?
  10. Actually I had a crappy day but you should have a great birthday. Enjoy!
  11. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ You guys are now off my Christmas list. Bah!
  12. OT you mean? Exciting game! Kings doit!! Sorry guys. I am so happy.
  13. Sorry you guys but I am rooting for the Kings, it's personal. No red vodka so I am quaffing red wine.
  14. Stretch, Al has copyrighted that term and related acronym, you will soon be hearing from his legal staff.
  15. To be precise, garlic, oregano, sage, cayenne, rosemary (later). I think what you see mostly is the oregano dipped in olive oil. Subtle flavors or the herbs blended well with the four hours of Mesquite smoke. Not in the Edwood league but excellent when followed by a bottle of Zin or Cab blend.
  16. This. To your credit, you are moving in the right direction and have not been distracted by the mindless drivel at the other place(s).
  17. Congrats Peter, may that trend continue.
  18. Steve, you are not fat let's just say you are fluffy.
  19. My brisket BBQ was awesome but I misplaced the camera and the wine tasting took precedent. Almost as good as Eds I am sure but after all that wine ....who knows?
  20. Following Ed's lead with my own brisket BBQ. Marinated for 1.5 hours and will smoke for 5+ hours while I wine taste in my back yard.
  21. Sounds like a massage parlor menu. Looks awesome you HC BBQers. Will be marinating some beef tonight and hoping for a similar result tomorrow.
  22. Yeesh, I need more time in the saddle. Or less drinking the night before a ride.
  23. For all you guys with heart monitors, on a typical ride what is your max heart rate?
  24. Your measured response is the best response. Some people will always be members of the church of of idiots and there is not much you can do to change that. Boy are they in for a surprise when judgement day comes.
  25. Happy Birthday Biscuit Bicycler!
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