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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. This, and glad to hear the rest of you Bay Area folks are OK.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I treat all calls and emails from B of A,Verizon, and Chase like I do calls and emails from my in laws...ignore.
  3. Happy Birthday Matt, peace.
  4. Re Aloha Shirts on Via Colinas.
  5. Wow, I bet you were born before Hawaii was even a state. If you ever make it to So Cal again, I will take you to the ultimate Hawaiian shirt shop here in da Village. Happy belated Birthday to the Big Kahuna! and Mahalo.
  6. That is hilarious! Happy Birthday Ian.
  7. Time for a Hot Dougs group buy?
  8. Well the "Pebble Beach" course is really difficult and is not something a first timer should ever be introduced to. Similar to taking a beginning snow plowing skier down the double black face at Whistler. Ouch!
  9. Speed Queens are only available in West Hollywood so I wouldn't know.
  10. Avoid GE at all costs, they suck. Samsung is quiet, built solidly and can handle just about any load.
  11. You had me going there for a while. First, I was trying to figure out how I missed that you were coming out to California. Then I was impressed you got a tee time at Pebble Beach this time of year. Then I was pissed you didn't invite me for a martini to celebrate shooting five under.
  12. Happy Birthday Frank!
  13. Ribs slow cooked for a mere 3 hours. Now the BBQ is to be mopped on andanother hour to finish. Most importantly is the wine to be consumed, refer to the what are you drinking thread for the answer. Willing to trade wine for Kimchee rice.
  14. RIP Neko. "Damn Ian. I am sorry you had to say good bye to Neko. What a nice way to spend time before saying good bye." "Glad she had one last good adventure. " /\ /\ /\ /\ These
  15. This Larry. People deal with stressful situations in the most incomprehensible ways. Let it roll off you back like you do with so many other annoying situations.
  16. Happy Birthday Todd!
  17. Happy Birthday Antonio! Enjoy your birthday week.
  18. Congratulations and happy anniversary!
  19. Ranch dressing can be heavy in cream and mayonnaise/eggs which can kick my ass anytime. Another thought may be cross contamination in the kitchen which you will most probably never identify. Our kitchen cross contamination concerns are the main reason why my boys can never eat in a restaurant. When you are ready, perhaps a visit to an allergist for a blood draw and a CAP-RAST test may help identify unknown allergy sources.
  20. Exxon and Shell thank you.
  21. I used the Watco Teak Oil Finish once and was not happy with the result. I would like Teak finish to look natural, thanks anyway.
  22. Wow Al, I can only imagine how awful that must have been. Both my sons have severe life threatening food allergies so we have fought the battle many times with schools over the need to keep Epi pens close by and accessible not in a friggin' locked cabinet where no one knows who has the key at any time of the school day. As Doug said so eloquently, "fuck them/that"! Ironically, I thought of you yesterday at 12;15 local time as we were were in the allergist's office food challenging both my boys to see if any of the foods they were previously allergic to were no longer a threat. I was looking right at an Auvi-Q Epi injector display in the office and the name Al popped into my head. We have six of those Auvi-Qs and six of the Epi pens. The Auvi-Q technology is awesome but medical plans will no longer cover their expense so sadly if things don't change soon this company and it's user friendly technology will be gone. If you have the time I would highly recommend you check them out. You also might want to consider keeping Benadryl 25mg tablets in Alden's wallet or backpack just in case or even the Benadryl liquid for his backpack. What was Alden's meal prior to his reaction?
  23. Since this thread seems to have run it's course I am going to take a chance with this Teak question. Any recommendations for outdoor Teak furniture oil? For some reason all the home supply and wood specialty stores around here only stock a "Teak Finish" product which is really some type of varnish which leaves the outdoor furniture looking like something that belongs in the Knott's Berry Farm amusement park. I want the Teak furniture to look and feel like it originally looked when new not with any synthetic shiny layer.
  24. The greatest birthday week evahh! Happy Birthday you two.
  25. Thanks all, I am still celebrating. In my homeland we celebrate birthdays for a week and starting Saturday we are on our family vacation. Woohoo!
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