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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. I think that's the answer right there Nate. I have often struggled with that question myself.
  2. /\ /\ /\ /\ I lived that 'ya know. Dusty take note /\ /\ /\
  3. Happy Birthday Alex!
  4. Wow, that is a gorgeous piece. A thicker version of that would make a very cool vertical chef knife block.
  5. Plus the ever popular rattlesnake petting zoo.
  6. Ohhh, I thought Santa had just placed a "special order" for the workshop elves.
  7. I want all of this cheese! Looks awesome, you guys live well.
  8. Where's Jacob when you need him?
  9. Congrats!
  10. Happy Birthday Dinny!
  11. I see nothing, I know nothing...
  12. Thick boots and a long stick are required. I do have some cheap Cognac for anti-venom purposes.
  13. Too bad it was not spelled Merck, you would probably get some great stock tips from that connection if it were.
  14. Happy Birthday Mikey!
  15. Happy Birthday Chris!
  16. At some point we should agree on a HC hotel so we can be close but not too close to the "event" and of course a weekend theme.
  17. Here's hoping for a favorable outcome Dan.
  18. One picture says it all- Just started to recover from a full day of a fencing tournament. This was the third and final for the three novice fencer series tournament. Lance's total was nineteen wins and one loss. It was a good if not nerve wracking day. Cheers all!
  19. It's easy Jeffy, just bring a large pitcher of red Vodka as a friendship offering.
  20. All the more reason to come! I still owe you big time for the "Flat Stanley" project so there's that.
  21. If any of you show up then I will swing by on my way to rehab with Amanda Bynes. There are big ass scorpions in Death Valley you know, bring your Kevlar lined sleeping bags if you plan on camping out there.
  22. This! I never get tired of this album I just wish I had a better resolution copy. I love all things Bebo, awesime musician I love this album as well can't imagine how well it must sound on DSD. Unfortunately the double coffees from Starbucks are not doing their job and I have a lot of graphs to analyse so I am throwing this on- http://youtu.be/ZJxKf34B-7E
  23. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ This! I love spring training in AZ! The fans are all mellow and friendly regardless of the team, the beer is cold and all the seats are fantastic up close and personal. Ahhhh, just in case http://www.springtrainingonline.com/teams/san-francisco-giants-3.htm I know some great pizza and steak joints near there. Congrats Giants!
  24. Steve would approve. Sooo much deliciousness in this thread! Well done guys.
  25. Just to be safe, I think you should send them to me and I will evaluate them for the next two months with regular measurements using Mary's stethoscope. Ok, you got me.
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