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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Is that a beers you drank counter?
  2. Who will win the Super Bowl? (Then call bookie immediately)
  3. So you think you are a badass skier? http://youtu.be/xlXk49Mh7go
  4. (Hint) Al's mushrooms.
  5. If you go Dell and are willing to shop in Staples- http://easy.staples.com/pub/sf/FormLink?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DWQpglLjHJlYQGNK9U2zg1XJ3ezgIShPuC4SER7czgJstE4zgyzb7OFfVXMtX%3DWQpglLjHJlYQGj5jdry2zg07Arkk1nLpKk12inBc33gw7zcMst&_ei_=Ej19Zi0pxIzu0ERfGyfvPDmJwONQoXWJfSoKPPobj1tVRDiasfPK_W9Eiy5CPe4P8CThfP6Ye7qZbM308qmRCPm2ZpTLT-mWAxYm063Mgjs3wtv18fYo_GgHGPCmfrW7vMERyadbS-SjHWxcndcWcAA1Z0dSOT1xr1ElZhARNyJCu9w1gMddIZNgpCKI0s6kd9iR. I hope this helps.
  6. Hoping the worries went away and you are back dealing with the fun things in life. If I were a doctor I would prescribe six more hours of sunshine, two liters of Bordeaux and a humongous steak.
  7. Happy Birthday Todd. Here's to fifty more.
  8. Niiiiiice! Anyone here have the Parkers Heritage Promise of Hope?
  9. Congratulations Peter! Very Christmasie tree John.
  10. Happy Birthday Tom! Enjoy your day.
  11. Augsburger


    FWIW- https://www.massdrop.com/buy/ultimate-ears-custom-in-ear-reference-monitors?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Personalization%20Email%2020141202%20%28Unpersonalized%29&utm_campaign=Product%20Announcement%202014-12-02%20unpers&mode=guest_open
  12. Augsburger


    As if there isn't enough WTFness in your holiday weekend already, I give you this- https://soundcloud.com/yarlung-records/02-juego-de-relojes-game-of You can thank me later, it's a free download ya know.
  13. Meaning sex is involved with that meal?
  14. Happy Birthday Gene! 1) Do you have enough duct tape, 2) Did you pay the last premium on the Pirate Insurance policy, 3) Do you have enough downloaded music, 4) Did you pack enough beer, 5) Which way is port, and which way is starboard, 6) What are the expiration dates of the food you packed, 7) Did you pack the "Semaphore for Dummys" book this time, just in case. Sail on brother!
  15. Happy Birthday Haj!
  16. From what I remember it is nice, but there are one or two other hotels within a short walk that are cheaper and removed from the madness that will permeate the Marriott
  17. Happy Birthday Bryan!
  18. Get well Haj. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  19. http://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/local/south-jersey/2014/11/24/suit-evesham-fridays-overcharged-drinks/70057044/
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Actually it is a scratch and sniff .gif Happy Birthday!
  23. Cheers John cuz you da man!
  24. You didn't get the invite? Blame Todd.
  25. My wine dinner meal First course is a potato dumpling with a lemon mustard reduction secret sauce and lots of other veggies and tasty parts Pork belly with watermelon, sriracha mustard sauce sesame bean sprouts and magic mushrooms. A brief respite with heirloom tomato topped with a soft goat cheese and a basil sorbet and a exotic onion ring of some type and origin. As you can guess I am getting hammered at this point and have been drinking a lot of wine. (duh) Time to recalibrate the palate for the last lap. Duck breast with a port reduction, chives, mashed sweet potato and broccoli and the blessings of the angels. At this point I have no fucking idea what this was but it was kick ass good! Oh, the wine did not suck, I recommend you try them or convince your friends to buy them and drink theirs. G'night.
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