Remember, tips up and use lot's of sun screen. I loved A basin but at that elevation my lungs were burning and so was my nose. You will sunburn five times as fast as when you were home.
For you Seiko fans. This may go as low as $179
My daughter Emily was having trouble trying to download MS One Note to her MBP running Snow Leopard. She gets an error message telling her she needs to upgrade to Yosemite in order to be able to download the latest One Note which she does not want to do. I recommended that she use MacJournal or Evernote. All she wants the program to do is take class and lab notes in an orderly fashion with some picture and graph attachments or imbedded, minimal functions it appears.
Are my recommendations good or can anyone here recommend anything better?
Damn! Looks fierce, stay safe you people. I would strongly recommend that you do not try to move any door mats in those 40 mph winds, they can wreck your pedicure for sure, take it from me.
Nate, ever considered a propane BBQ?
We have been experiencing really strong winds over the past 18 hours with gusts up to 50mph. So just be for I pack my son into the car to take him to fencing practice I notice one of our door mats flying across the back patio. I go out back to retrieve the door mat and just as I pick the mat up a really strong gust of wind hits and the door mat slams into my bare toe at just the right angle and velocity to rip half my toe nail off. I hobble into the house using up my month's quota of F bombs and jump in the shower to hose off the blood and get ready to leave. We were running late as it was so I waited until now to clean up the bathroom, which resembled a axe murder crime scene, before Mary returns from her trip.
Crime scene wiped clean of all evidence.