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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. Tried and still trying to pack seven suitcases worth of fencing gear wine and clothes into three suitcases.
  4. And he works for Bitcoin too.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday Craig.
  7. My hommage to Nate- Happy Birthday buddy!
  8. I love Debbie Harry too but she danced in that video like a zombie having a seizure.
  9. You do realize that those Nigerian Oil Minister partnerships do not work very well. I have seven of them and they keep sending my dividend checks to the wrong address.
  10. I thought you are not supposed to do wire transfers when laundering money.
  11. Happy Birthday Naaman!
  12. Is that proscuitto hiding in there or did you go vegan on us?
  13. I prefer the twenty year old Swedish au pair route though the wife disagrees.
  14. Happy Birthday Al!
  15. Happy Birthday Dan! I am sure you celebrated with some etouffee or BBQ.
  16. I bet you have a monster case of gout but don't realize it yet.
  17. Deja vu all over again...Happy Birthday. I feel like I have already done this somewhere else...
  18. Happy Birthday, you stole my raffle prizes.
  19. You do realize the Donner Party rescue anniversary is this Friday don't you? Nice call
  20. Happy Birthday Steve.
  21. Happy Birthday BBQ Ed!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Somehow your post congers up visions of a breaching blue whale's blowhole- http://www.gifbin.com/bin/062012/1340728300_whale_blows_rainbow_out_blowhole.webm
  24. So this morning I was in charge of taking Lance to fencing practice since Mary was at the hospital checking in on one of our friends who is very very sick. Since I had three hours to kill I decided to pop into Performance Bicycles to update myself on the latest bike porn which I cannot buy. While roaming the carbon fibre wheel section I hear some loud racket in the next aisle. I look around the corner and see two guys bent over a recumbent bike and working on the chain ring. That's odd I thought, then I notice one of the guys is in a wheel chair with a US Marines sticker and a Gary Sinise Foundation sticker fixed prominently on the back of his wheel chair. Soon they are joined by a second man, also in a wheel chair with a US Marines sticker on the back. Between the two veterans they had a total of three working limbs and a lot of carbon fiber prosthesis. My "appreciate what you have" button took a massive reset at that moment.
  25. My bet is that Mike was using this http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=754508&gclid=CjwKEAiAxfu1BRDF2cfnoPyB9jESJADF-MdJlOjdKPbqbX86aSvLVsEMNSoQhnFEQAz3RDaicHlLxBoCQsTw_wcB&is=REG&ap=y&m=Y&A=details&Q= to shoot those photos.
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