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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday. Now go buy something for yourself.
  2. We call him Sid. He watches over the audio gear. He dosen't eat much, just bites a little.
  3. Sheesh! All I ever find at garage sales are Elvis paintings on velvet.
  4. Currently, the Trafomatic Head One is single ended only and since Sasa seems to have so many things on his plate I doubt a true balanced headphone amp would be along any time soon. Trafomatic seems to be more focused on home speaker audio more so than headphones, but that is just my observation based upon his product line mix. I think the GS and the G Lite would be excellent choices and great value but they will not compensate for a weak source. As others have posted here both of these amps tend towards transparent and if you have any weaknesses in your cdp output you will know soon enough.
  5. Ryan, I just had a glass of Chardonnay in your honor, happy birthday man.
  6. Congrats and sorry about your wallet. No wait, tha has already been used. Nonetheless you will soon know what I mean . Congratulations agin!
  7. I believe Alex at APL uses the copper tape thingys on his APL mod Denon cdps FWIW.
  8. Great work Nate. I have enjoyed following the gestation and birth of your latest.
  9. Will it sound as good as a Raptor?
  10. Congratulations! I want one so bad. Please update us with your impressions as you get used to the player. I for one will be very interested to see if the APL/3910 continues to meet your expectations. (envy, envy, envy)
  11. Augsburger

    Markl Mods

    Mark lives in the PNW I believe, pompom seems to be a Canadian. Perhaps Aerius' alter ego?
  12. A case of Wedell Pinot, so much for my promise to go cold turkey.
  13. Please please provide your impressions when this is done, as this one is on my VERY short list given the "affordability" of the 3910 apl version versus the full gundie $30k NWO.
  14. "Pay before the product even exists". Sounds like the (Larry) Larocco Diablo (or is it Disable) business pricing model.
  15. After paying my taxes last week I swore off buying any music and wine for the year. I just opened an email offer of some limited release Pinots and now this, ..............guess it didn't take very long.
  16. If so, when "it happens" we want pics of the inside of that cable.
  17. I kind of agree with Grawk on this one. Why not start a "MBL For Me" account? Yeah, first you start saving for the T every April word but then accumulating savings becomes addictive, like shopping for audio gear. Hey, maybe there is a silver lining somewhere.
  18. Cute kitty. Ahh nice rug too, Persian? The rug not the kitty.
  19. I'll be all over that if it does in fact appear.
  20. As for the Pine Sol, I already feel like I have been given an IRS Pine Sol enema.
  21. My intent was to buy the Remy, which I love, as a treat. .... and keep treating myself until I stop thinking about all the money I have to donate to the state and feds.
  22. 12 year old Macallan for my CPA, bottle of Remy XO for me.........................'cause of my taxes. I am tempted to drink most of the Remy tonight but I have a sixty mile hilly bike ride tomorrow and I don't like throwing up on rides.
  23. Aerius, thanks for the great impressions and review. The Trafomatic does detail very well, voices whether doing jazz harmonies or in a choral composition you hear the detail of individual voices rather than a cacophony of music. For the $900 price point I agree this will be one amp that is hard to match, it looks nice too.
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