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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Audio Technica W1000 and they are the best in the universe nothing else needed, enough said. If you do not believe me I will have some of my Samoan associates come over to your place and kick your ass.
  2. It's politics and politicians business as usual, what did you expect?
  3. Yes, Armagnac rules them all, but then again Armagnac is saved for the serious listening in the evening hours.
  4. Rhone, Rhone Rhone. Rhone rules (sometimes).
  5. Is the Vodka bottle the headphone stand? Nice feature, very liquid sound I would assume.
  6. Try denial. It seems to work for my in laws.
  7. I hope you enjoy it, for the money I think it is a very good deal. I am drinking the Isosceles now and for the money I think it kicks butt.
  8. If grawk would have posted spanish cedar rather than pine, I would have guessed a mighty fine working man's humidor.
  9. This photo and associated review was part of the original T amp rage and this is why I can not see myself with K1000s ever again. Everytime I see a pair of K1000s, I see this dude with those ear speakers and think this is how I must look listening to music.
  10. Well you may have a point. I have never seen Tom Waits and Hellboy in the same place at the same time.
  11. You may have been lucky. My experience was that the shipper had to proove the package was packed appropriately, which is impossible. You are lucky it wasn't FedEx because in my case FedEx wanted me to ship two 90 pound damaged speakers to them at my cost, in the original damaged boxes for FedEx to "evaluate" whether the fault was with FedEx or the shipper.
  12. Good luck with the UPS claim. My experience is that both UPS and FedEx ALWAYS claim it is faulty packing not their crappy handling that caused the damage. Sheesh! Hope things eventually work out.
  13. Yes, sounds better than "Ahhh nightmares". GRE and GMAT all in six months because I couldn't make up my mind. Ultimately I made the right choice though the route was circuitous at best.
  14. Ahhhhhh, memories.
  15. Ouch! Strike two. I bought one of those tube buffers based upon the reco from a High End audio retailer close buy, needless to say I found no improvement, perhaps a degrading of the sound I like. But that was years ago and hopefully THAT won't be repeated again either. I seem to be the poster child for audio fails but I think I am recovered.
  16. If i hadn't stumbled upon the Trafomatic, I would have ordered a B22. I keep a running total of all media equipment reviews and the ratio issomething like 97% positive reviews on equipment, speakers, amps, preamps and cdps. that includes the infamous Sony PS1.
  17. Very cute Tyrion, looks like ours. Ours has a beer belly though so I guess we need to walk him a little more often.
  18. Yes, a hard and expensive lesson learned, hopefully not to be repeated. The problem with most mods is that generally the reviews come from either shills for the modder or the audio mags and websites. The audio industry reviews not surprisingly are always glowing praise. So with new products, there has to be an early adoptor who takes a big risk on an unknown hoping to discover the deal of the decade. I think I got luck with my transformer coupled Trafomatic and lost big time with my modded Dac Ah. I can accept the internal unprofessional fit and finish issues if the sound is exceptional. Oh, any listening impressions yet?
  19. Very good idea, especially with modded gear. I had a modded DAC in my system for one year before I finally got the guts to open it up to see if I could find the cause for the lousy sound. What a surprise, expensive caps and mods paid for were not done and the mods that were done looked like a cross eyed monkey performed them. Unfortunately this was not a case of looks bad sounds sweet. Oh, and a big congrats!
  20. Happy birthday guys! Enjoy your day and go out and buy something cool.
  21. Very, very nice! Burp** The Viogner was the late harvest Viogner so that with the fact of the Botrytis mold made this an excellent chilled dessert wine. As good as any Muscat, Gewirstraminer or Austrian Reisling. Yummy. You need to check this wine out, the summer is an ideal time for sipping.
  22. Are your walls bare? With the wood floor and bare walls you might notice some wierdreflections and bass behavior. Speaker spikes with metal pucks underneath may help decouple the wood floors from the speakers. Or you could use pieces of granite.
  23. Dinner and a bottle of Alban Grenache, and Ojai Viognier.
  24. Yah team Audio Alchemy!
  25. Five walls of paint, one cabinet painted and three doors painted. If I got music out of the deal it would have been much more worth the dough.
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