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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. We discussed the weather...
  2. Well it's been a tough week already so I decided to go out in my back yard, enjoy a glass of wine and watch the sunset with my new best friend. He is not much on conversation but in his own way he has some entertaining anecdotes on life.
  3. Happy birthday DigiPete! So what did you buy yourself to celebrate? May you live to buy everything on your vinyl wish list. Congrats on another year!
  4. Date tonight??
  5. Well if you insist..........
  6. ----dealing with the Federal Government and a credit card company back office, other than having a Drano enema, I can't think of a worse way to start your day. The rest of the day has to be better.
  7. You are treble sensitive probably be cause you are young(er) with young ears not yet damaged by the many years of sitting in the wind instrument section. Older musicians and older folks have had many years to slowly damage their hearing so to speak so that may be the reason why they think higher levels of treble are "natural" to them. Perhaps???
  8. Happy Birthday Indra!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Very nice! Has me wanting cables even though I have nothing new to connect. Maybe I should buy something new.
  11. Your a lucky guy, all my exgirlfriends looked like Ray with a wig.
  12. I would be really interested in the Eddie Current dac impressions, if you are taking requests.
  13. Most people should be OK 5.4 on the Richter may seem big, or maybe not if you have never experienced one, but the epicenter was far enough away and deep enough under the plate to shake everyone up just enough without doing any real damage. So far there are no reports of significant injuries or anything and all my crappy wall plaques are still on the walls.
  14. Just spent some time rocking to a 5 point earthquake here in So. Cal. Epicenter was about sixty miles away but felt pretty strong with one good aftershock. I was beginning to forget what it is like to have the crap shaken out of you while trying to work.
  15. Wait! I'm not done yet................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! There I said it.
  16. Please forgive if this is too off topic but depending on your tastes you might look at MC Recordings, they have a ecclectic mix of artists and styles but Todd Garfinkle the master engineer does a superb job IMHO. Whether you like the music or not the sonics are fantastic and the price is reasonable, so hopefully you will find something in that broad range of selections to get your fancy.
  17. The helicopter has to be tricked out because there are only two models in the world that can do rolls and flips like that and both are military; one Russian and the other is American.
  18. About four years ago I started really getting back into music listening and decided to explore headphones as a way to enjoy my music and not disturb my family. My first purchase was the Audio Technica W1000s based upon an article in Six Moons. Plugging my cans into my cdp was not bad but I knew I could do better. So I started my on line search, found HeadFi,Eddie Current, HeadCase and now I am broke but at least I am really happy with the system I have.
  19. Two Burgundy glasses manufactured by Eisch.
  20. Congrats guys you are famous! Well deserved quotes because you three have earned the respect of having golden ears and the best vitriolic posts when deserved. BTW, nice socks Tyll, see you in three and a half weeks in Buena Park. Regards, Team Aloha Shirts
  21. I too was just discovering his music. A great loss to good music fans. RIP JG.
  22. Glad you like your purchase. Please post your impressions as I would always like to expand my list of possible candidates. Congrats on the successful purchase.
  23. I'll take a stab at this. I have limited experience with the RS1s which is what I think you meant, but the two amps I liked with the RS1s were the EC/SS and the Gilmore Lite. That's it, you have exceeded the limit of my RS1 experience. Good luck Shin and welcome to Head Case. 気違いへようこそ
  24. THE SLIPPERY SLOPE..............
  25. Hi Manuel and welcome. I tried the reload fix a few months back and it worked for me everything if fine now (crosses fingers). It seems somehow when using MS "Orofice" in a certain way or having the right combination of open Office programs and downloading some file types, Office just seems to spazz out. Good luck.
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