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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Ken's right. Just bring your cans and come, your presence and company is all that matters. We can never have too many cool Fiers and Casers.
  2. Twelve hours of labor! You are lucky she will still talk to you. Congrats Pete your daughter is a real beauty and make sure Mommy gets some nice TLC and presents, lots of presents.
  3. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
  4. Too bad you couldn't make the Sunday Tyll event in Beuna Park. Dan the man himself was there and a very conversational guy as well. Please let us know your impressions.
  5. Let's see- two Headphones by two different amps by two different scotch brands by two different women---- Wow the iterations are almost endless!
  6. The Hsu subs are really nice and well executed.
  7. Well to answer your question I am now a big believer in a well implemented sub to a speaker music system. The big caveat is of course the sub must be of good quality and complement the main speakers and not overpower the room with boominess unless of course you are a taiko drum fan. I was a big single driver fan boy for some time using Fostex 166s in a BLH design. Then one day I stumbled upon a pretty decent deal on a sub so I bought it and put it in my main listening room. I A/Bed Bill Evans at the Village Vanguard and a Tord Gustafson cd with and without the sub and I soon discovered what I had been missing with the single drivers alone. The sub seems to help fill out the mid to lower range and add life to the upright base players music. IMHO
  8. Tyll, you did an excellent job in presenting and trying to educate the masses. Man that desktop amp feeding the K701s sounded sweet, it drives them sooooooo well! Oh, and I want me some Harbeth's too, my new years new office resolution.
  9. Happy birthday anyway regardless of what you do tonight.
  10. Oh, I am in as long as I don't have to do anything, bring anything or attend any meetings.
  11. If you attend, I have a door prize for you but you will need a hand truck to move them.
  12. Charles Shaw for the masses! Vintage last week, ummmmm.
  13. Good point Grawk, the engineers at Luxman have their reasons, their reasons may not be shared by others but they were well thought out reasons for things being designed the way they are. Luxman does not seem to cut corners just to hit a price point look at the pictures of the innards. Anyway, I want to let my ears be the judge and hopefully we may have an opportunity at some future So Cal meet. Then we can praise them or trash them based upon actual impressions in a meet wow, what a concept.
  14. I know where you got them!
  15. Check out the picks on On a Higher Note :: they are the distributor for Luxman and deal directly with TTVJ. The website has some nice pics and details about the construction of their line. If there is enough interest in the headphone amp there is a small chance they will demo one at a future So Cal meet some time. I am interested, but I am just one guy. Evidently the headquarters people in Japan are not convinced there is a large enough market in the US to commit too many marketing resources at this time.
  16. Darn, I missed hearing that at the meet as well, some guy was parked there for a while then I forgot after talking to irondreamer and 909.
  17. Ask your doc about Zyrtec, Astalin and Nasonex. Your meds are not posted in your sig so if you already take those meds ignore me.....again.
  18. Well I think we need to give the Luxman gear a fairer audition. The HP amp they provided had just arrived from Japan and had never been fired up until that morning. I couldn't get near the gear because of the lines. In person the other amps look really sweet and I would love to hear their cdp in a reasonable setting. Philip the Luxman rep there told me that Luxman will be coming out with a newer version of the HP amp and three new models of cdps by January 2009.
  19. Awesome! Congratulations Hawaii!
  20. Pics and impressions? Oh, I guess it is a little early for that. I'll be back tomorrow. I have lost count, which new project is this one?
  21. Amazon.com: Plays Standard: Okoshi Tiger: Music Amazon.com: Bossa Nova Stories: Eliane Elias: Music Amazon.com: You Get More Bounce with Curtis Counce: Curtis Counce: Music
  22. Augsburger


    My understanding is that they sound the same as these- https://www.virtualdynamics.ca/content.php?id=201&secondary_id=55
  23. Unobtainium.....
  24. Williams Selyem Pinot, Turley Zinfandel. I guess I will have to wait another three months before shopping for a TT.
  25. Wow, I think that should be on a Hallmark card.
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