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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Well here is a great one to try. http://store.nexternal.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?CS=lewis&StoreType=BtoC&Count1=530727565&Count2=447867989&ProductID=141&Target=products.asp
  2. Asr, you have your wish. Luxman has agreed to participate and they will have their P-1 there for reviews. I hope to get some real time with this as well.
  3. Funny, that is how some people describe "smooth jazz" now a days. Though I have to admit I occaisionally take a walk on the wild (smooth) side.
  4. As long as you keep your "Jimmy" covered you should do well on your first day at the "office".
  5. Twenty three hundred feet of climbing in one day is pretty respectable and doing it on a recumbent or with knobby tires is commendable. Nice shooting Nate keeping everyone in frame unless of course those shots were done at the top of the seven percenter. In that case they were probably only going three mph.
  6. Working on that already, we shall see. I too am very interested in the Luxman P-1.
  7. That sucks. They sould send your replacement unit FedEx overnight for all the trouble. Good luck on the replacement.
  8. ----cute smooth jazz. I would say so, mostly synthed percussions and keyboards so yeah smooooooooooooooth jazz. Did I mention she was a cutie?
  9. She blows a mean sax, is cute but that is about it.
  10. Sweet looking setup Jon, and you must have very good karma to own one of the few Storm Pandoras that exists, without problems no less.
  11. Mike, Regarding the last Iphone sunset picture, on the left side, is that a periscope I see?
  12. I would agree but I have discovered some really good Merlots lately and there are even better Merlot blends out there. So to directly answer your question---- Yes There is always something better..............
  13. Ahhhh, I don't know, what do y'all think?
  14. Perhaps you need to recable your 701s? "-=hey guys=-"
  15. "Hate" is getting a bit old.
  16. Are you still alive?
  17. He can't shoot worth beans either, look how the barrel jumps around when he pulls the trigger. Wheeeneeee.
  18. Ryan, keep in mind whether you go single driver Cain & Cain or Horn shop, room placement is critical. In a sense you need the room dynamics to assist the single drivers in delivering the full range of music. You mentioned something I thought somewhere about not being able to place the new speakers in the corners of your listening area, well for the C&Cs and HSops that corner placement is important so bear this in mind. The audio asylum site is full of good ideas as well as these\/\/\/. Should help you spend a month of evenings lurking around. FullRangeDriver.com http://melhuish.org/audio/index.htm
  19. Kenny G is stock, all else is an upgrade.......
  20. And who around here can buy anything in "standard dress" aka no options?
  21. Sounds like a case of alligator arms.
  22. Ten with no mulah. FIFY;)
  23. Haven't seen em'.
  24. Excluding 909, I count twentyone confirmed attendees with ten yet to send $$$$$.
  25. What did you solder the boards to? The stroller or the baby carrier?
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