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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Damn Naaman that is really impressive, both the Tahoe and the speakers. I can't wait to see the final outcome and if you keep them how you finish them.
  2. Does stalking count?
  3. Try trash compactor bags. They are usually 3-4 mil thick, don't hold as much volume wise but then again they don't rip.
  4. Well if your plan was a PPO instead of and HMO, they would have stitched them on and in the right order.....
  5. Oh I don't know about that. I agree with Steve but there are a few others as well.
  6. You work for MI5 on loan from MI6 don't you?
  7. Ahhh, single driver full rangers huh? I saw those two hole on what I thought were the front mdf baffles and guessed otherwise. I would have helped if I read your post a little more carefully too. Now I am really interested in the final outcome. As you know my experience with the Fostex 166 BLH was less than satisfactory until I added the supertweeter and a sub woofer. I have never heard the Nirvanas but they seem interesting. The speakers I guess will go in your listening room then and not your office? They look kind of big for an office, they seem to be 36"X 8".
  8. Nice Naaman. I guess the devil will be in the details such as finish for the speakers and crossover. I will be very interested to hear your impressions especially how these non ported cabinets handle the bass. What internal wiring are you planning on using? Any internal dampening? I hope you have a much better journey than I had when it comes to the finish. Veneer or black piano gloss? I saw a really nice Dean Guitar today dressed up with ebony veneer and a copper mother of pearl trim. Started to get me thinking about a new speaker project. (ahhh, must resist )
  9. I have this as well in three different versions. I dig them all. Digipete likes??? Jessica Williams- Live At Yoshi's
  10. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the multitudes of fans worshiping you on your day.
  11. Augsburger

    CanJam 2009

    Glad to see you are in. Any others?
  12. So Reks, what did you do for your birthday. Or better yet who did you... ah never mind.
  13. Augsburger

    CanJam 2009

    Thanks for the warning Grawk, and yes I know it is Billy I am talking to. The offer was made to entice CJ to attend but in the spirit of HeadFi good will............. you are welcome to share his cup of Folgers.
  14. Wow, that many members with clone birthdates.......
  15. Augsburger

    CanJam 2009

    Well the Hilton includes free airport pickup and I will throw in a free coffee to sweeten the deal. So what do ya say? Besides, sleep during a National Meet is entirely unnecessary.
  16. Wow, looks yummy. Er, I see someone has already done the QC on half of it. Looks like an ideal candidate for adding some dark rum to the recipe.
  17. Happy belated birthday you two. I hope there are no hangovers involved.
  18. Sippin some Pinot to honor your birthday Reks. Mmmm, this is nice, I think I will toast you again......
  19. Happy Blue Note, OJC vinyl Birthday to you!
  20. Sounds like a plan, perhaps we can make it some type of mini-meet as well.
  21. Augsburger


    For you DIY junkies--- http://www.partsconnexion.com/econnexion/1208/dec08.html
  22. Ahh, you might want to rephrase that............
  23. Happy Birthday Steve! Let's do lunch in three weeks to celebrate.
  24. Miles Davis Allstars-goes with the Cab I am drinkin'
  25. I use a 1X 1543 Scott Nixon USB dac in my office and it is a nice upgrade from the basic SB sound cards I had. In my opinion you should realize some improvement with a well put together 1543 dac over a SB sound card. Another consideration might be the Buffalo dac. I compared Naaman's Buffalo to my 1543 and 1545 dacs and I felt the Buffalo was much more musical and realistic in presentation. FWIW
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