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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Very practical but an appetite killer for sure.
  2. Sophie Millman- fits your genere
  3. Augsburger


    I d not eat what I can't pronounce.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Glad to see you are back home safe and sound Ken. You should have left the chest tube in though, that way you could perform balloon tricks at our next meet.
  6. Good thing I no longer eat my lunch at my desk while scrolling through HC.
  7. Ditto Grawk and DigiPete. I have sat. TV and cable internet and the cable is pretty good regardless of weather conditions.
  8. Looks like he did in high school too. Though C never held any public office.
  9. Tyll Hertsens? Pre Hawiian shirt days...
  10. I have experience with both amps but there has been five years between the two sessions so direct comparisons are not possible. I liked them both and found them both at the time very musical and accurate. Like Mike, I would like to own a P1 sometime in the near future. How about hopping a flight to LA on May 29th for CanJam then you can audition them both with your own cans? For such an important decision as this, a mere plane ticket is worth the experience almost as much as the postage and insurance back and forth on an amp you choose to return. Perhaps you may even discover something else that will strike your fancy.
  11. I dunno it sounds like he is moaning on the Kohln Concert.
  12. That is funny how that guy keeps coming back trying to justify his baseless assertions digging an ever deeper hole each time.
  13. I would love to compare that version to my XRCD version. Lately after comparing my XRCD versions to needle drops I am finding the XRCDs a little too bright and a little compressed sounding. Your title should be changed to "Resident OJC Librarian".
  14. But that is the music of their generation. They might have actually seen the guys play on the OJC vinyl you are buying.
  15. I think you have been banned...
  16. Augsburger


    We tried to land him for CanJam 2009 but at $10K plus traveling expenses it exceeded our budget. Too bad, he would have been awesome.
  17. Ken, My email is [email protected] My cell is 818-634-7139 If I can be of assistance just LMK. Greg
  18. Happy Vinyl Birthday!
  19. Hmmmm
  20. And for those of us who are married, wife approved speakers and room treatments are a fail in the making whereas just about any set of cans gets a pass.
  21. Live long and prosper. Happy birthday.
  22. Is that dyna mat under the pcbs? I thought it was only necessary for under the torroids. Looks great Pete!
  23. I think that's the super secret Sennheiser headphone stand we weren't allowed to see.
  24. Do you really think the Senn HD800s will be that hard to get?
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