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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Well following that statement one could surmise that all Israli businesses would be successful because of the military background of the employees and this is clearly not the case, yes? So why try to minimize the point I was making? The point was military service can provide high levels of technical ( and other ) training.
  2. Technically off topic but ......... the coyotes out here must be having Woodstock II, lots and lots of howling. Reminds me of the ending of the movie sand of the Kala Harri. Now back to the music......
  3. LFF's remaster of my original source. Clearly the best of the six different versions that I have save for the speed corrected vinyl played on a Clear Audio TT through MBLs but that is not and apples to apples comparison-- so shoot me.
  4. Fingers crossed for you. Good luck, if it is meant to be.....
  5. Finally trying to do that head to head comparison of Aardvark's OJC version. The Shiraz should help in the evaluation.
  6. I agree with Dan. In the military you get a lot of training on the most current and often cutting edge technology, and you get to play with a lot of cool gear. Note how a lot of Israeli high tech companies are made up of former Israeli army guys and gals, there is a reason for this. Either way, hang in there Colin.
  7. You really didn't mix Old Crow and Crystal champange did you???
  8. Four bottles of Kosta Browne Pinot. The best way to upgrade my audio gear.
  9. Happy birthday Naaman, drink lots of the good stuff.
  10. I don't know didly about computers nor do I care but congrats on the job hook up. I hope it is with a nice winery up in Sonoma or Napa valley.
  11. Sorry to hear news Colin, keep trying, your time will come.
  12. Yeah, not to mention the hurricane. I stayed on Poi Pu beach for a while then saw it get wipped out by the 'cane. Bummer
  13. Oh the irony. Your post just helped me learn a bit more about this hobby. Thanks Ryan, well done.
  14. Good luck to your friend Mike, I hope the surgery is successful. And a speedy recovery.
  15. I think LFF could remaster this amd make them sound like Diana Krall and Frank Sinatra. "]
  16. Happy Birthday Grawk! (raises coffe mug)
  17. I have a near mint one as well and would like to know the vintage. I can't seem to find any identifying serial no's though.
  18. Happy Birthday. I hope your hair grows back some time.
  19. What no cryo treatment? Bahhhh! And only drink an even year Bordeaux when building the power cord lest you have two much efi or elf or was it e.d.
  20. Make sure the white and the black wires are oriented correctly meaning for the plug/nema to outlet white black green IEC/plug to gear green black white If you use stranded copper wire, make sure that none of the strands are hanging loose at the ends where you attach them to the plugs. If the strands are loose and they touch each other you will have a lot of noise and sparks which detracts from the music enjoyment. Lastly make the green (ground) wire slightly longer than the black and white wires. That way if someone inadvertently tries to pull the plug out of the wall or gear by the wire instead of the plug causing one of the wires to disconnect from it's plug you will still have the ground connected and that will hopefully avoid a major problem.
  21. Hopefully it is just a sinus infection or allergy induced. Nothing like /\
  22. Pediatrics and Oncology have to be the two toughest speacialties: my hat is off to you guys I don't know how you can do that day in day out.
  23. Happy Birthday and try not to spill any birthday cake on Grawk's gear.
  24. Happy Birthday Dr, Wood! Wishing you many woodies this year. Ah, that didn't come out right did it?
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