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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Word to the wise,if you have a restaurant with most of your business coming from take out, make sure you have a employee who is competent in English manning the phone taking orders. I just spent a ridiculous amount of time on the phone talking to an employee who does not speak english. I don't know if I ordered five hamburger dinners or a plate of pickles and goat cheese. WTF!
  2. In these times the best way to socially distance fly is...
  3. Note Catalina Island in the distance.
  4. I think I know this guy.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Well Mr Giannini started off as Bank of Italy in San Francisco in 1904. So the only way to grow to be Bank of America is to not give customers deals, pay them next to nothing on their accounts while convincing them it's high yield and of course charging them loan shark rates of interest on their credit card balances.
  7. In the 80's I worked for a large bank in mid-town Manhattan and remember hearing about these new bonds called "High Yield" bonds. Back then they were yielding around 15%. Today my daughter received this solicitation for a high yield account in the mail. What a difference forty years can make.
  8. We miss you! Happy Birthday!
  9. You never know when and where you will find the meaning of life It be here y'all
  10. Be careful, if his doesn't arrive by morning he will hijack one of the black helicopters fly to your house and steal yours.
  11. Beef rib meat teriyaki stir fry for Lance.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday Mikey!
  14. https://i.imgur.com/aBvjlTw.mp4
  15. Reminds me of
  16. All of those delicious posts from Nate and Stretch have made me jealous so I took a 2.5 kilo brisket and did a quick 8.5 hour roast. We shall see if it is tender yet. At least the Booker wine is setting the stage for something epic.
  17. I want to avoid taking the drives apart as that takes too long, and I just discovered all of my drill bits are wimpy wood bits so off to Home Depot tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice.
  18. The computer recyclers around here do not shred the HDs and more importantly do not let you witness their destruction. So Drilling sill seems to be the front runner. How about soaking in a bath of Muriatic acid?
  19. Thank you. So far, drilling seems to be the most recommended as I have already pulled all the drives and to hook them up to to zero them out would take far more time than just drilling. I guess the magnetizing suggestion is not effective.
  20. Having experienced two seasons of fires and one mandatory five minute notice evacuation we realized that among other things we have too many important items dispersed in too many places to adequately accommodate a last minute evacuation. So we've been doing some house cleaning and now have ten fifteen HDs that have been copied to a portable HD and need to be disposed of. There are a lot of recommendations on line but so far I have narrowed it down to either using a demagnetizer or drilling holes though the unit. Do you folks have any better more effective suggestions? Obviously due to the fire hazard, using a blast furnace is out of the question. Thank you.
  21. Well I am not going to mention that it has been twelve months since we had a you-know-what.
  22. Milo and Otis need to have a satellite office down here is So. Cal.
  23. 76 years old? i have wines older than that. Happy birthday youngun'
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