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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Augsburger


    PS Audio Digitallink III B-stock $450 shipped. [email protected]
  2. I have had a very very bad experience with RAM and his vapor mods. All I can say is if you don't mind taking a chance on paying for mods that aren't done, for upgraded parts that are not provided, crappy workmanship that would make a soldering monkey blush, a modder selling services with little idea of what he is doing and a business owner who may not refund your money for services not delivered, then OK. If the only reason you have the idea of using RAM is because of the shillin' iPodjerk is doing for Kyle on HF you should reconsider. Now if you want my real feelings on this subject, well we will have to talk offline.
  3. Nowadays with the current state of health care, your body will most likely outlive your mind, unless of course your are grossly obese or you destroy your liver through abuse. I have been exposed to a lot of people who have had unhealthy eating habits but seem to keep on going, the bitch of it though is when your mind goes. In that case what does "living" matter when your mind is gone? So to me a good balance between physical and mental health is both desirable and relative. This place is a good start in keeping all of us healthy mentally but not necessarily financially healthy:indra:. So biscuits and gravy for the masses!
  4. Augsburger


    Hsu Research subs are sweet, they will rock you down to your nether regions for sure.
  5. Al, sorry to hear this as well, you had a good run there avoiding the curse. Andy- what about Blackie Pagano?
  6. Wow, when I owned a cat I couldn't get it to go in the litterbox, let alone turn on the dishwasher or put the dishes away.
  7. Happy Birthday David! So, are you going to drive to Pasadena for some club celebrating tonight?
  8. Your very own clone?
  9. Augsburger


    Styles Fifteen percent off. These are real knives, not the commercial stamped junk like Henkels and Wusthof.
  10. Three bottles of Colgin Estate IX, Three bottles of Araujo Estate Eiselle, a tire pump and a PS Audio Digital Link III. Now that I have the PBN monitors I need to upgrade my source so this is a start until I can afford the Berkeley Audio DAC.
  11. Two Southwest Airlines tickets to PHX. Visiting eighty year old parents can be a mixed blessing.
  12. X2 up until Can Jam I was very satisfied with my UE Triple Fi Pro Threes but as Edwood said the JH pro 13s sounded better in every way.
  13. Bulgaria?
  14. Augsburger

    Palm Pre

    What type of service did you subscribe to? The BB Storm requires a data package starting at $29.95 per month on top of the phone service and unlimited texting charges, to realize all the benefits for surfing and email forwarding.
  15. So how is the Scotch, whiskey and beer shopping in KS? Any micro breweries? Are we going to have to set up another Naaman airlift?
  16. I am sure you caught it from one of those raffle prizes you were foolishly handing out. Now if you had consumed more whiskey you would be fine. Note none of the resident boozers has came down with anything let alone swine flu. There is a lesson here Luis......
  17. Well metaphorically speaking............they did.
  18. One trick I use for beach cruising bikes is to buy a small luggage lock, the TSA approved size for a suitcase and lock it through the links in your chain when you leave your bike. Most bike thieves usually look to disable the locking cables and u-locks never thinking to look for something disabling the chain. Nothing, not even u-locks, is foolproof but it is one additional layer of protection.
  19. You people are awesome! Thanks for the lead, I ordered most of what you guys already ordered the huge gap in my music library has now been partially closed. All SACDs were $5.98 except for the Miles RVG remaster.
  20. Have you ever thought of sculpting a HeadCase logo on the lawn then building one of those RC airplane kits with a camera to take a picture of your work? Easy for me to suggest since I am putting no effort into this but you are a pretty creative guy always looking for challenges.
  21. Three hours to mow the lawn? Yikes, how often do you mow Nate? Not every week I hope.
  22. Yep, handcuffs, duct tape and a
  23. FWIW: They were offered a whole room but chose to have two tables in different locations, seems they felt it would give them better visibility. They were indeed late to the game, second to the last to sign on. They were offered the opportunity to do a number of things to further promote their brand without being too tacky but chose to "only" donate some raffle prizes. Only one vendor chose participate in a hospitality event for attendees and they chose to do it in a very low key manner. A hospitality room idea is a great one but it requires a company with a big advertising budget which directly contradicts the position of the group who wishes to keep the Bose and M****** crowd out of the equation.
  24. I believe all that annoying behavior was due to pure ignorance of Head-Fi, how we roll and what a "National Meet" is all about. This was a little surprising given the many questions they asked prior to Can Jam. I would have thought they were better prepared. They seemed to be expecting a flea market atmosphere rather than a CES or our version type of event. M****** wanted to make a big splash and their presence was obvious, but in a negative way. Had they just spent some time reading the Can Jam thread they would have been much better prepared and learned a lot more than they probably did. M****** to some degree seems to be trying to determine the extent of their product line. They are attempting to be horizontally integrated in audio with their consumer audiophile, home theater and pro audio products but are trying to determine how broadly diversified they should go. Should they try to go high end in headphones or stay mainstream, should they include headphone amps? If so what type and how expensive? BTW M****** never cleared with the organizers their intention to bring a mega display and a clown car full of reps. Up until the last week their headcount was seven people and for two display tables over two days that is above average but not outrageous. The additional people were added on over the last three days prior to the meet. Again, I suspect this was as much their disorganization as their malevolent intent.
  25. Well the Galibier, EMM Labs, and Berkeley Audio DAC are on my shopping list but I will have to wait for my IPO next year to travel down that road. Until then I will have to make do.
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