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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Augsburger


    Dang, I was just in his neighborhood having lunch today, could have checked them over for you. Calling Reks.
  2. I plan to buy a few and flip them on ebay to buyers with no feedback. Or for Can Jam 2014, out with Glenrothes in with Glenfiddich.
  3. Better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
  4. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
  5. FWIW, if they looked cool with carbon fiber and they were functional like the clam shell design, I would buy them in a heartbeat. I have a carbon fiber road bike, carbon fiber road bike sunglasses, carbon fiber knife handles, and a carbon fiber pen for the office. I take to carbon fiber like spritzer takes to stats.
  6. Wow! Very enlightening.................not.
  7. They look really sweet Larry and have given me some ideas.
  8. Damn, the innernets works fast....
  9. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Yeah, what he said Antonio, and the same for you too Laxx. Have a happy....
  10. My red herring post aside, I hope to be right there with you (probably) but perhaps a month behind in timing. Remember, step two will probably require TRS to XLR (depending on what gear you still have at that point ) or TRS to RCA connectors and we only know of one retired person who knows where those reside.
  11. I can't wait to see "step 2" . I bet it is: 1) Sonic Studios 302 or 2) UNL 2 or 8
  12. George is the best, and from what I understand a really nice guy too. I hope he rides next year and gets the respect he has earned. I hope there are no doping scandals this year, and the sport has cleaned up it's act.
  13. I doubt that. The short time I had it hooked up to my Audio Aero, it seemed very resolving.
  14. Drunk impressions often times are more entertaining if not moar accurate.
  15. The BA was in the time trial. If you recorded it look for the last part with Lance around 5K I think.
  16. I am watching Ventoux now. Am I the only one who noticed the guy BAing Lance and the camera on Lance's final 5K of the time trial? Pretty funny and I am surprised it doesn't happen more in the TDF nowadays. Crushing day. Alberto is self serving and may find it tough to have his domestics kill themselves for him next year unless he gets his act together. Maybe with Lance off team Astana the "team" dynamics will change.
  17. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ That is some cool stuff, me wants!
  18. Assuming you paid in full, at the current forecasted rate of inflation you actually paid 144% of the asking price for that knife. Then again it looks pretty cool.
  19. Some 2006 L'Esprit des Pavots, and some 2008 L'Apr
  20. I suspect you guys are being pwnd, the syntax is suspicious. It is not nice to join a forum to play tricks on the helpful members. What goes around comes around.
  21. If you are talking food allergies, without question GPs are not equipped to treat patients nor diagnose the problem in most cases whether it be a HMO or PPO network. If you suspect the source is a food allergy, you might consider approaching your health care gatekeeper for a referral to a knowledgeable allergist. Again, if a food allergy is the source of the problem addressing it with a good dietary, environmental and drug protocol should yield huge quality of life improvements.
  22. If so, how? I have looked all over the net and the price is the same everywhere.
  23. Happy Birthday Dan, I drank your birthday present!
  24. Baking soda or vinegar should work as well.
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