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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. More wine. Turley Syrah this time.
  2. Bought some Edelzwicker, Alsacian style wines. Buying a case of William Selyem Pinots now.
  3. When the next revision is released will those who purchased an earlier version be able to upgrade for a modest charge or have to buy the full gundy again? (* note to self to ask this at RMAF*)
  4. Why make the the stands solid concrete? As Steve pointed out it may be better to design the stands with the bottom 1/4 as a solid concrete block the middle 1/2 hollow chamber filled with sand and some lead shot then the top 1/4 solid concrete or a granite plate. I use granite under all my amps, speakers and CDPs, it seems to help but better yet looks very cool.
  5. Jack, Happy Birthdy Jack!
  6. Are you PC or Mac? If either of you are MAC go with the Apple Airport Express. I know jack about computers and I was able to hook up every thing in the house with no problems, Wii, iPod touch Mac, three laptops PCs and a desk top.
  7. Well then it is you me & JP#s so far, sounds like a plan.
  8. Ooops! The english tab does not seem to work. Go to the left hand lower part of the page and click on "Zubehor", pick the wood you want, Zebra, Walnut, Cherry. Click on the shopping cart on the right side, then click on the English tab in the upper right hand corner...........
  9. Al, Try this link- Da capo Schallplatten They sell the headphone stand direct and have an english version, upper right hand of front page. good luck!
  10. Shelly Manne's "The Three" & "The Two" OJC for $5= WIN
  11. I wanted to have the last word, Happy Birthday!
  12. For a minimalist approach which will help with your decorating aesthetics try area rugs, I don't recall what you mentioned what your current floor treatment was but the more you have on the floor the better the sound absorption. Then go to your local fabric store and pick up fabric and one inch thick batting. You then staple the fabric over the one inch batting on the wall maybe trim it with chair rails. This will serve as a decorating feature with noise management as a side benefit. If you don't have good decorating skills find a friend who does because if you pick out the wrong fabric you will wind up living in a quiet bordello looking place.
  13. I already bought my plane tickets and received my room confirmation, supposedly Super Shuttle has some special RMAF discount rate so that will be my ride. The only rig I am bringing will be in a bottle.
  14. I was away for a few days. Congratulations and happy birthday! Have you considered baking a loaf of bread to look like a pair of Stax cans in recognition of this momentous occaision?
  15. Augsburger


    Some of you guys like DVD box sets so here goes. Borders is having a 40% off sale on boxed set DVDs through this Sunday, coupon attached. BORDERS COUPON Please Note: Only your coupon will print. BORDERS REWARDS EXCLUSIVE OFFER VALID THROUGH 8/23/09 All DVD and Blu-ray Box Sets 40% off list price Borders: This is a programmed barcode. Scan barcode or enter barcode #159043350000000000 and Borders Rewards number any time during the transaction. Borders Coupons - coupon40dbs0820
  16. Augsburger


    Ceap Black X alternative. I have no idea if it is any good. 1 Sale A Day, Daily Deal
  17. Do you/can you run your cdp digital signal through the ULN-2 to see if it is a step up there as well?
  18. Laine, don't read this until tomorrow\/ \/ \/ \/ Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Archosday Birth to U.
  20. One last thought or two. Two hundred and forty contacts/cold calls for 24 appointments per week is a very optimistic forecast. More like 100 cold calls per appointment or two. Also, 24 appointments per week is a brutal pace especially if you have a family. Almost half of those appointments will be made in the evening when the contact is off work and when you factor in traveling time it will mean very long days. One other thing they never discuss with you is the lag time involved to receiving your commission. For example, say you meet a prospect on Monday and that contact buys an insurance policy completing the paperwork that day. Next you then need to submit the paperwork which will take four to eight weeks for approval then one week after that to deliver the contract and collect payment. Once you send in the signed contract delivery paperwork with a check from the client it will take approximately two more weeks to receive your check. So in reality it takes seven to eleven weeks to receive payment for work you completed all the while paying out of pocket for gas and work expenses.
  21. Hi Brent, I am not sure from your description and that may be because you are not sure yourself since not a lot of detail was forthcoming from the interview, but it appears the position you were interviewing for is a licensed insurance agent. I pulled up the annual report and 10K of Liberty National Insurance and did a little research on their financial status. As a life insurance company they are a small player and depending on their investment portfolio may survive the next two years. So if you really do want to be a life insurance agent bear in mind that you will be with a small player in an industry that may be entering a period of great volatility. If you really believe a career as a full time life insurance agent is for you and that is a career you really want, you might wish to bear in mind that life insurance agents make money by selling people life insurance products, whether the prospect needs insurance products or not. The life insurance industry will tell you that everyone needs life insurance or an annuity, and to some degree that is true but when a salesman's livelihood comes from commissions often times ethics are compromised. To be a successful beginning life insurance agent or stock broker most will need to have a bribe able conscience, that is how they can survive the first five years of being in the business. Remember, the guy that is talking to you is a recruiter who will probably get a piece of all the business you bring in so he really has nothing to lose. The guy's job is to bring in a bunch of agents, slam them against the wall and make money off of those who stick. Good luck Brent. Greg
  22. I will be watching and hoping to read about some cool stuf. Have fun you guys.
  23. Happy birthday Ian.
  24. Slippery slope my friend, slippery slope.
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