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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Happy Birthday Guzziman!
  2. CanJam 2010?
  3. Waitin' for the Burbon to kick in- Bill Evans , On Green Dolphin Street A much better recording than some of his earlier stuff, even better than the Village Vanguard stuff.
  4. X3
  5. Not so fast. What vineyards did you sample and what were your impressions? Enquiring minds want to know........ Actually a great decision on Best Buy;they suck, their opinions suck, and their service sucks. Other than that it is a great retail outlet.
  6. Agreed, but for those of us with limited access to movies and books, good nonetheless.
  7. I am absolutely sure that guy was in front of me at the DMV last month.
  8. Enjoying the Southern California sunset, my new best friend ale and
  9. Some Rocky Patel 1990, Decade, Sancho Panza and Trinidads. The Dominican Trinidads......
  10. I Am Legend was awesome, especially the alternate ending.
  11. Bill Evans- The Tokyo Concert
  12. I hate the wait.
  13. Like heroin to Keith Richards...... you got my attention. If you are talking Torbrek and Barossa Shiraz then check out Mollydooker-- whatever they have. As they say in the hedge fund world, "It's all good". 2002 Shioraz was good but not awesome the 2006 or 2007 Shiraz should be the match or better easily.
  14. Shopping list complete, thanks all!
  15. Thanks all, I think for expeditious reasons Cubans are out of the questions since I need delivery by Thursday. The shopping list is growing.
  16. I like bagpipes.
  17. A pair of one meter TRS cables so that I can now go from being and observer to a doer. Thanks Nate and JP#s!
  18. Well now that you mention it. Do you have any insider information on a publicly traded company? Oh, it's not for me mind you, I was just wondering, you know for a friend.
  19. Since we have a few Cannon lenses already we are thinking of upgrading to the XTI as well.
  20. Well it seems our Christmas eve dinner is growing by the minute. I need to buy cigars for three Christmas eve guests and a Christmas gift for a dinner guest. All smokers are experienced smokers not the brand conscious once a quarter types like me. My budget is $80, with about $50 allocated for the gift the rest for Christmas eve. Any and all suggestions appreciated.
  21. Maybe pm Irondreamer? He seems very up on the digital camera thing as well as Edwood.
  22. Our next Glenrothes LA meet FTW.
  23. I just received my package from the great white north, thanks Dany! I just couldn't resist a taste so I opened up one of the cd's to give a short preview. Ummm, I am not really familiar with Chechnya folk music but I am willing to give it a shot, those accordions do kind of have a rhythm.
  24. Oh, those two (1/4) plugs....... and you thought I was exaggerating when I said I was "challenged". I still need to get a dedicated Mac source now it appears my daughter's idea of sharing is during the hours of 2-6am.
  25. I posted full disclosure a week ago hidden in the shopping thread, but technically it is not up and running yet despite JP#'s prodding and cajoling. I am a little slow in that regard plus I need to find another TRS>TRS pair laying around here somewhere to dial in my pre amp. JP#s just told me about a shortcut using the two plugs in the back, who knew?
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