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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. ? Embassy of the United States Ankara, Turkey - Home ?
  2. A mixed case of Seasmoke Cellars Southing and Ten Pinot. Living room system needs moar tweaking.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Augsburger


    OK for you watch fans. http://link.ixs1.net/s/ve?eli=q558601&si=d273796260&cfc=3html
  5. Congrats Naaman! Think of the fun you will have building her crib/bed with built in BH amp and such. Kids are great, will keep you young and add a very different perspective to life. Congrats again and looking forward to toasting her arrival.
  6. Some Ojai Pinot and a three pack of Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon. Many years on the waiting list and finally.
  7. Ok, so part of my deal when I come to Arizona to visit my aunt and my mother is that I take them to sushi. So today is no different, I am sitting there at lunch with two eighty year old ladies enjoying sushi in one of Glendale Arizona's finest strip malls and I hear load police radio chattering in the parking lot not twenty feet away. "Geez guys can you hold it down" I think to myself as I turn to see what is up. What I see is seven police cars with about a dozen police officers, guns drawn all pointing at a car in the lot. Four of the officers were wearing flak jackets and had automatic weapons, Ar15s pointed at this one sport ute. Man, I haven't seen this many swat guys with automatic weapons since my bachelor party. For some reason there is always a thrill when I visit Arizona.
  8. Soon I am sure your father and my father will be swapping war stories about life in the military.
  9. Round trip ticket to Arizona for something necessary that I wish wasn't
  10. FWIW my three year old Linksys had would not link to our MBP or iTouchs so I did the smart thing any person of my technical skill level would do---- dumped the Link and bought the Airport Express. See, I am not as dumb as I look.
  11. One and a half Cases of Littorai Hirsh Pinot and Mays Chardonnay. I can't pass up wine discounts.
  12. Those red JH13s look really really nice!
  13. Well these past few days have generated a few opportunities for some hard to get wines. I can get any amount of Sea Smoke, Ten, Botella and Southing if anyone is interested. I also received a letter notifying me of my allocation for Screaming Eagle so if any of you are insane enough for a outrageously priced California cult bragging rights Cabernet I can share some of my three bottle allocation with you. I am also getting ready to order some Glenrothes 1985 from a store Al turned me on to. The Glenrothes is $105 total. Let me know. This post can be rescinded once I sober up from the awesome dinner and wine tasting I just experienced.
  14. Whoa! Congrats on the huge upgrade. So why did you abandon the Metric Halo camp? Was it something I said?
  15. Moar Kosta browne Pinot, woohoo!
  16. Thanks, I never played a Playstation or Xbox game so don't know what to look for and I had no idea what the "BF2 lulz" reference was. Didn't seem plausible but ...........
  17. Here, fixed it for ya}
  18. ...meaning it's faked? If it isn't that is some major vector trust going on because the jet has literally no airspeed so the flaps were useless in this case.
  19. Happy Birthday Nate! May you live long and prosper.
  20. Yeah, and team Zenith approves of Dinny's Tag too. Al, you mind 'splainin how you contracted poison oak when you were supposed to be in a deposition? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  21. Yeah, Dinny----team Tag approves!
  22. Moar pinot, best system tweak yet.
  23. Almost a whoopsie...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg2NWv466Ms
  24. Happy Birthday Naaman!
  25. This is why the Russians are so good at winter sports? Well except for hockey based on last nights game.
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