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Everything posted by Augsburger

  1. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    Now I am getting scared.
  2. Augsburger


    Dinny, Is the 2005 Ornellia 50% off-$90? The 2004 Shafer Hillside Select and the 2006 Romanee Conti Escheaux at 50% off are pretty nice, if that in fact is the deal. So what'd ya buy?
  3. Is there really a ring around Saturn? I always thought that was some wise guy photo shop deal.
  4. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    I think Monster is bringing some audio stripper poles along with a gazillion pairs of Dr. Dre phones so perhaps we can borrow some to "evaluate"(shill).
  5. What is the coating made out of? My son has a severe wheat allergy so we are always looking for alternatives to bread and breadcumbs. So far I have been using mostly Rice Crispies for BCs.
  6. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    That's what "room upgrades" are for.
  7. Early adoptors usually pay full boat, then again we all have benefited from your sacrifice. So thanks AL and I owe you a CanJam martini.
  8. We must discuss this further at CanJam.
  9. Do not resist the force.
  10. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    and it makes my stalking the beer drinkers a lot more convenient.
  11. Sorry to hear about your day Vickie, we will make it up to you in Chicago.
  12. Why, are they fire and melt proof? Is there a secondary market for blackened and barely working tubes? Mikail seemed to have done quite a business selling these for a while so I was wondering...............
  13. The amp was on a UPS/battery power, the "Universal" term dosen't apply to the jinxes I guess. For now I will use my fifth string backup Tripath amp with SLA, and one of these-
  14. Er, make that five amps- custom tube amp, Flying Mole, Northstar Monoblock, Northstar Monoblock, now this EL34 Chinese desktop tube amp. The custom tube amp was fixed by Ironbutt, the mono's are pending shipment to Connecticut, the Flying Mole is probably unrepairable and the Chinese amp is terminal. I have never seen an amp go up in smoke, if it wasn't mine I would have thought that was pretty exciting.
  15. Well this morning is not starting well. I arrived a bit late after waiting forever at Starbucks for my usual Venti, booted up my computer and office music rig and start reading research reports. My speakers start to give off a high pitched scream, WTF? Oh, I see smoke billowing out my tube amp. The HeadCase curse continues. Box score--- amps-4, me-0. Four broken amps in eighteen months, this has to be a record.
  16. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    Er I meant the "Hyatt" had no rooms available for Thursday evening, the Spanish Jumilla region wine siezed control of my keyboard last evening when I wasn't looking. Thanks for the offer Ken but I understand from prior meet threads that CanJam protocol mandates a nights stay in a spare bath tub so that will do nicely if you would be so kind.
  17. FWIW, I have experienced zero side effects since purchasing the JH-13s. No TMJ, fit issues, buyers remorse, tintinitus, or ED.
  18. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    That would be a nice change Vickie, and it will be great just hanging with everyone and talking. It appears I won't be able to arrive until Friday pm. when I called the Hilton this morning to reserve may room they told me the hotel ws sold out Thursday and Friday, but when I call back in the afternoon they had one room left for Friday evening. Now if I can only get them to kick someone out for Thursday evening I can spend three nights hanging with the cool kids. Oh, and I am in for the suite as well if it is still an option.
  19. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    It shall be done. Thanks for the info. Cool kids FTW!
  20. Augsburger

    Canjam 2010.

    Damn! I need to get on it tonight. What day and time is everyone planning to arrive, say Thursday afternoonish? Is everyone planning to stay at the CanJam hotel ( whatever that is)?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b36Yi-Pb1wM&feature=player_embedded#!
  22. 1oo feet and $4K worth of new waste drain/sewer pipe. I guess the Denon DLS-1 and Balancing Act will have to wait a while.
  23. That will teach you to stay out of the jacuzzi with your 13's
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